Mr Alloin is the founder and principal stakeholder having 30 years experience as a practicing governmental industrial affairs, 40 years information specialist, 20 years transportation technology analysis, 10 years computer technology specialist, 30 year imaging production photographer, life time equipment consummate innovator and entrepreneur. His experience, professional academics has produced may successful leadership participation in the development of:
1. "National Dining Train Programs" including Washington State Dinner Trains;
2. Organized and pioneered marketing and development of "Amtrak Pacific Northwest Parlor Car Services";
3. Implemented communications to re-organization west coast Canadian-United State "Cascade International" rail services in foreign relations;
4. Corporate and military special tactical transportation development;
5. Developer and consultant who pioneered the "Seattle Sounder Train" and "Light Rail Projects";
6. Developer of cruise ship and other event connections to rail tour industry "Event Carriership Program".
7. Developer of Railwy Business Coach Services an d many other rail Line community rail programs.
Mr. Alloin is respected professional in the rail transportation industry.
ATD Lines was founded in 1981 at a time when national rail passenger services were experiencing directional problems and rail passenger and freight line abandonments were wide spread. Mr. Alloin contributed to the success of many state and national rail service program, that American citizens are enjoying today, emerging as a principal decision maker and professional in rail industry.
In 1986, Mr. Alloin realized the vital importance of intercity high speed railway development, and rail lines community neds for rail business services, began extensive research with national institutes, MIT, Federal and State Governments, including railroad association and operating railroad communications to further the development of new rail line community services.
Mr. Alloin has emerged as a rail industry professional with bacground knowledge, professional experience and academic leadership to become expert in rail industry.