Sound Transit Commuter Rail1-800-201-4900Train #: 1700,1701,1702,17031704,1705,1706,1707 | Sounder Northbound 1700/Dp-4:47p 1702/Dp-5:15p 1704/Dp-5:47p 1706/Dp-6:17p Southbound 1701/Dp-5:56a 1703/Dp-6:26a 1705/Dp-6:56a 1707/Dp-7:26 |
GENERAL INFORMATION: Weather Local News Library In 1841, the Wilkes Expedition named the area Point Elliott. The Point Elliott Treaty was signed between Governor Isaac Stevens and 22 chiefs representing Puget Sound tribes, along with 2,500 Native Americans meet on January 22, 1855 at Mukilteo. Native Americans ceded land to the United States from Point Pully/Three Tree Point to the Canadian border in exchange for a variety of benefits, including land, education, health care and hunting and fishing rights. The town first settled by Europeans in 1858 and was the county seat of Snohomish County from 1861 to 1867, then relocated to city of Snohomish. Mukilteo was officially incorporated on May 8, 1947 Point Elliot/Mukilteo becamea fishing village, trading post, and a port-of-entry, witn surrounding wooded hills filled with Douglas fir, cedar and hemlock supported a lumber mill and the town also had a cannery, a brewery, and a gunpowder plant near Powder Mill Gulch. Japanese Gulch provides rail access from the Mukilteo waterfront to the Boeing wide-body plant at Paine Field. In 1901, the Federal Lighthouse Board decided to put a light and fog signal at Mukilteo was completed in 1906. 1947 there was ferry service to Whidbey Island, a fuel storage facility for the Air Force on the waterfront, and a major rail line for the Great Northern Railroad along the city’s entire waterfront. In 1991, the Harbour Pointe area shift the Town's Commercial Center near the shoreline to new shopping and banking facilities at Harbour Pointe. In 1954, the state acquired 17 acres of land around the lighthouse and made it into a state park. In 2003, the state ceded the park to the city and was renamed Mukilteo Lighthouse Park. ATTRACTIONS:
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