American Association of Private Rail Car Owners
Cincinnati Railway Company is pleased to announce that the 37th annual convention will be held in Portland, Maine on Monday, September 22nd through Wednesday, September 24th, 2014. Our convention special train, The Pine Tree Limited, will travel over the old Nickel Plate Route, the former Erie Railroad, the ex-Lackawanna route, and the ex-Boston & Maine route. The following itinerary represents the current plan, which is subject to approval by the host railroads. Our Cincinnati based cars, the Observatory dome car, the Birch Grove sleeper, and our newly acquired car, the Moonlight Dome will arrive in Chicago on Monday, September 15th. On September 17th, the convention train will be assembled. The Pine Tree Limited will depart early on Thursday, September 18, and travel to Cleveland, Ohio over the former Nickel Plate Railroad. After overnighting in Cleveland, we will continue on the old Nickel Plate Route to Buffalo. There we will pick up the former Erie Railroad now the Norfolk Southern's Southern Tier line to Binghamton, NY where we will park for the night. From Binghamton to Syracuse we will be on the New York, Susquehanna & Western (the ex-Lackawanna route.) From Syracuse to Rotterdam, NY we will be on the former New York Central now CSX and Amtrak Route. From Rotterdam east to Portland we will be on Pan Am (the ex- Boston & Maine.) We arrive in Portland on Sunday September 21. Convention activities, including exciting excursions, informational seminars and meetings, car parties and banquet, will run from September 22 - 24. The headquarters hotel is the recently refurbished Westin Portland Harborview. Thursday September 25, The Pine Tree Limited takes Pan Am Railways to Worcester MA, where we will switch to the former New York Central, Boston & Albany for the final miles to Springfield MA, where the special train will terminate. Our Cincinnati based cars will connect to the westbound Lakeshore on Friday, September 26th into Chicago and onto Cincinnati for arrival on Sunday, September 28. Birch Grove Roomettes - $6,000.00 per person roundtrip. Double Bedrooms begin at $12,000 for two people. Additional will be available on our website at www.cincinnatirailway.com under Luxury Travel - Public Trips. Please make your plans to join us on this rare and spectacular scenic special train and attend the convention in beautiful Portland, ME. Space on this extravagant excursion is limited and will sell fast, so please consider joining us for a truly spectacular scenic trip.
Vicky Collins
Cincinnati Railway Company
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