We plan to leave Jacksonville Florida on the Evening of Thursday July 2. We will arrive in DC The morning of July 3 and will park in Union Station. From there it is a quick walk to all the action on the Mall.
Fo r the quintessential Fourth of July experience, there is America's National Independence Day Parade, which features marching bands from all over the country, military and specialty units, patriotic floats and VIPs. The parade kicks off at 11:45 a.m. on Constitution Avenue and 7th Street NW.
The festivities continue on the U.S. Capitol's West Lawn with "A Capitol Fourth," a free, 90-minute musical extravaganza by the National Symphon y Orchestra. Gates open at 3 p.m., and the concert begins at 8 p.m.
The Capitol Fourth is also the soundtrack for DC's fireworks spectacular on the National Mall. The fireworks show typically starts shortly after 9 p.m .
As an alternative, the Annual Independence Day Organ Concert at the Washington National Cathedral at 11 a.m. The U.S. Navy Band performs.
The National Museum of the American Indian Folklife Festival will turn the area surrounding the museum into a global bazaar with music, dancing, crafts and demonstrations exploring different cultures.
The National Archives, home of the original Decl aration of Independence, holds great Fourth of July festivities kicking off at 10 a.m. with a ceremony, including a presentation of colors, patriotic performances and a dramatic reading of the Declaration of Independence.
The National Museum of American History has on display the flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to pen The Star-Spangled Banner.
The Willard InterContinental Hotel, just steps from the White House, decks out its lobby and opens its doors for its annual Fourth of July block party.
And there is so much more to see and do.
We plan on leaving Washington the evening Of July 8 and returning to Jacksonville the morning of July 9. Dinner will be served to and from Washington. There are two available bedrooms: a double with private shower and a smaller upper and lower with sink. The Dearing will serve as a bed and breakfast for our guests while in DC.
The double bedroom is $3,000 for the trip and the upper and lower is $2,000.
Contact us at dearingrr@aol.com or 706-323-3231 for more information.