To be eligable for "FREE AD" on any NATIONAL TRAIN DAY ASSOCIATION WEB-PAGES, you must be a member of the following associations:
American Association of Private Railcar Owners.
Railroad Passenger Car Alliance.
National Historical Railroad Society or Chapter.
National Transportation Club Chapter.
National Rail Passenger Assocaition or Chapter.
National Railroad Passenger Corporation or Partnership.
Business Travel Association or Chapter.
American Association of Railroads.
National Shortline Railroads & Regional Railroad Association.
National Railway Station & Depot Assocaition.
National Train Day Association or Chapter.
To place your "FREE AD" is easy, just create your ad-artwork and message in following formats:
Then email your FREE AD ARTWORK, including your redirect URL Address Page, to:
EXCEPT: If any organization, Business Merchant, Accommodation, Food Services are engaed in "Pacakage Transaction" or "Event Partnership" that benefits the railway program being advertising, then all parties may submit Ads concerning railway event.
NTDA reserves right for page placement of all ads and to reject any ad that is socially unaceptable, not railway related, offensive or criminal intent.