EVENT RECOMMENDED PROCEEDURES AND BEST PRACTICES Working public service event is excellent practice and experience for working emergency situations. During these event s emergency conditions occur unexpectantly which require quick handling to sustain life. The handling of these situations requires coordination with and working with agencies such as: Working with these agencies for public service events builds relationships, confidence, respect, and important personal connections with the same agencies as you would work with for an emergency. It also demonstrat es that amateur radio operators are professionals who can adapt to and still be successful in unexpected situations. EXAMPLES OF EVENT CHANGES The event can change drastically, new buildings may have been built blocking communication paths, roads are under construction, the Unified Command location may have been moved drastically such that radio operation is affected, or the event needs to be rapidly evacuated due to weather or other situations. 1). Power Failure, 2). Equipment Failure, 3). Serious Incident Occurring, 4). Evacuate The Operating/Event Location |
Emergency Communication provided by
Seattle Auxiliary Communications Services/
SACS Freq: 146.960
© Copyright 1981-
All Rights Reserved
Public Service Division of ATDLINES
FORT WARD AMATEUR RADIO CLUB (FWARC) is a 501(C)(3) tax exempt non-profit service organization. Serving the needs of Amateur RadioCommunities Local, Regional, National and International and furthering the interests of Amateur Radio. The Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club does not discriminate as to age, race, religion, sex, sexual origination, education, class, financial capacity or national origin. |