WHEREAS, the United States of America has made a considerable financial commitment to expanding the nation’s high-speed and intercity passenger rail (HSIPR) network, appropriating $4 billion in FY-09 for both state corridor development efforts and Amtrak state of good repair investments in the FY-10 Consolidated Appropriations Act; and
WHEREAS, the President and Vice-President announced in January 2010 an additional $8 billion in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) awards for 13 corridors in 31 states. (YOUR STATE) being granted (YOUR STATE FUNDING) million for (YOUR COMMUNITY) High Speed Rail Services including public and private funds being awarded to (YOUR COMMUNITY) Station Renovation Project as historical place of interest.
WHEREAS, the Federal Railroad Administration received applications requesting seven times the available funds for the HSIPR ARRA grants; and
WHEREAS, developing this pipeline of national high-speed and intercity passenger rail projects will revitalize the domestic manufacturing industry and create additional American jobs building on the one million good-paying, middle-class creating American jobs that can never be off-shored already supported by the rail industry; and
WHEREAS,State of Arizona and (YOUR COMMUNITY) ridership on Amtrak and private rail services grew every year from 2000 through 2008, and are on track in 2011 for its best ridership year ever, further demonstrating the increased demand for Washington State intercity passenger rail services; and
WHEREAS, (YOUR COMMUNITY), (YOUR STATE)is highly populated region for Amtrak Services and Private rail infrastructure carry intercity passengers and (YOUR LOCAL COMMUNTER RAIL) to and (YOUR CITY) Light Rail from work in congested metropolitan areas, providing a reliable rail option while reducing congestion on roads and in the skies; and
WHEREAS, Amtrak annually provides intercity passenger rail travel to over 25 million Americans residing in 46 states; and
WHEREAS, for many rail line communities in America, Amtrak represents the only major intercity transportation link to the rest of the country; and
WHEREAS, (YOUR COMMUNITY), (YOUR STATE) passenger rail provides a more fuel-efficient transportation system thereby providing cleaner transportation alternatives and energy security; and
WHEREAS, when combined with all modes of transportation, passenger railroads emit only 0.2 percent of the travel industry’s total greenhouse gases and one freight train can move a ton of freight 457 miles on one gallon of fuel; and
WHEREAS, in the City of (YOUR COMMUNITY), (YOUR STATE), long distance train ridership exceeds (YOUR STATISTIC) passengers, (YOUR INTRASTATE AMTRAK SERVICES ) exceeds (YOUR STATE STATISTICS) passengers, (YOUR STATE)Transit commuter Rail ridership rose (YOUR STATE STATISTICS) and light rail ridership exceeds (YOUR STATE STATISTICS) passengers got on and off the train at (YOUR CITY) Station. Making (YOUR STATE & CITY) (YOUR CITY EVENT THEME) ; and
WHEREAS, (YOUR COMMUNITY)Railroad Station is a source of civic pride, a gateway to (YOUR STATE) Rail Line Communities and Nations long distance trains, including connecting private rail services, including a tool for economic growth that creates transportation-oriented development and livable rail line communities; and
WHEREAS, on May 10, 1869 the “golden spike” was driven into the final tie at Promontory Summit, Utah to join the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific Railroads, ceremonially completing the first transcontinental railroad and therefore connecting both coasts of the United States;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of (YOUR COMMUNITY), (YOUR STATE) embraces National Rail Passenger Corporation-Amtrak’s and private railway industry.
BE IT RESOLVED, that City of (YOUR COMMUNITY) endorse National Train Day 2011; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City of (YOUR COMMUNITY) recognizes and celebrates the pivotal role that a robust intercity passenger rail system can provide for better mobility for persons of all abilities; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City of (YOUR COMMUNITY) will hold an event at (YOUR COMMUNITY), with railroad equipment exhibits and displays at specified location under existing local operating railroads for our community to commemorate this momentous day in railroad history and for our community.