Table of Contents
S-1.0 Core Safety Rules S-1.1 Personnel Safety Training S-1.2 Rights and Responsibilities S-1.2.1 Sufficient Time S-1.2.2 Authorized and Trained S-1.2.3 Alert and Attentive S-1.2.4 Co-Workers Warned S-1.2.5 Safety Rules, Training Practices, Policies S-1.2.6 Warning Signs S-1.2.7 Two or More Personnel S-1.2.8 Reporting S-1.2.9 Horseplay S-1.2.10 "Bill of Rights" Relative to Employees Riding in Transport Vehicles S-1.2.11 Medical Conditions S-1.3 Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing S-1.3.1 Requirements S-1.3.2 Finger Rings S-1.4 Tools and Equipment S-1.4.1 Inspection S-1.4.2 Use as Intended S-1.4.3 Manufacturer Specifications S-1.4.4 Manufacturer Approval S-1.4.5 On or Off Moving Equipment S-1.4.6 Three-Point Contact S-1.4.7 Physical Exertion S-1.4.8 Passengers S-1.4.9 Seat Belts. s-1.5 Work Environment S-1.5.1 Housekeeping S-1.5.2 Inspection S-1.5.3 Footing S-1.5.4 Confined Spaces S-1.5.5 Hazardous Materials S-1.6 Working On or About Tracks S-1.6.1 Movement of Equipment S-2.0 Chemical Safety S-2.1 Environmental Safety S-2.2 Chemical Spills and Chemical Releases to Air S-2.3 Labeling Chemical Containers S-2.4 Ventilation for Maintaining Safe Atmospheres S-2.5 Skin Cleaning S-2.6 Containment and Spill Prevention S-2.8 Protection from Asbestos Exposure S-2.8.1 Repair and Maintenance S-2.8.2 Training S-2.10 Protection from Silica-Containing Dust S-2.11 Chemical Approval S-3.0 Electrical Safety S-3.1 Requirements S-3.1.1 General S-3.1.2 Authorized Personnel S-3.1.3 Warning Signs S-3.1.4 Flashlights S-3.1.5 Contacts S-3.1.6 Lock-out/Tag-out S-3.3 Charging and Jumping Batteries S-3.3.1 Precautions for Servicing Batteries S-3.3.2 Battery Flushing S-3.3.4 Metallic Objects S-3.3.5 Jumping Batteries S-5.0 Fire Prevention, Response, and Hazards S-5.1 General Requirements S-5.2 Emergency Procedures S-5.2.2 Right-of-Way Fires S-5.3 Fire Extinguishers and Protection Devices S-5.3.1 Defective Fire Extinguishers S-5.3.2 Access to Fire Extinguishers and Protection Devices S-5.5 Fueling Vehicles, Machinery, and Equipment S-5.6 Electrical Circuits S-5.9 Refrigeration Systems S-5.9.1 Qualified Personnel S-7.0 Hand Tools S-7.3 Precautions During Use S-7.5 Banding Material S-7.7 Correct Tool Use S-8.0 Intermodal/Automotive Facility Safety s-8.2 Track Protection S-8.3 Vehicles Within Intermodal, Roadrailer and Swevil-x Facilities S-8.3.1 Vehicle Requirements S-8.3.2 Vehicle Operations S-8.4 Check Point In-gate/Out-gate Procedures S-9.0 Ladders, Platforms, Scaffolds, and Aerial Baskets S-9.1 Inspection S-9.2 Storage S-9.3 Stage Boards S-9.4 Safety Feet S-9.5 Ladder and Scaffold Placement S-9.6 Ladders for Electrical Work S-9.7 Instructions for Climbing S-9.7.1 Climbing with Tools or Materials S-9.8 Performing Work S-9.9 Extension Ladders S-9.10 Step Ladders S-9.11 Construction Scaffolding S-9.11.1 Sectional Metal Scaffolds S-9.12 Non-Powered Mobile Scaffolding S-9.13 Aerial Work Platforms S-9.13.1 Scissor Lifts S-9.13.2 Boom-Mounted Baskets or Buckets S-11.0 Material Handling S-11.1 Material Storage S-11.1.1 Stacking Material S-11.1.2 Overhead Clearance S-11.1.3 Storing Combustibles S-11.1.4 Storage Racks S-11.2 Hand Trucks S-11.3 Pallet Use and Stacking S-11.4 Loading and Unloading Cars, Trucks, and Trailers S-11.5 Sharp Edges S-11.5.1 Banding Material S-11.6 Wheelsets S-11.7 Hazardous Material Handling S-11.7.1 Complying with Regulations S-11.7.2 Loading or Unloading Tank Cars S-11.7.3 Handling Fluorescent/Neon Tubes S-11.7.4 Disposing of Spray Containers S-11.8 Forklifts S-11.8.1 Parking Requirements S-11.8.2 Dismounting Forklift—Attended and Unattended Forklifts S-11.8.3 Passengers S-11.8.4 Tool Storage S-11.8.5 Seat Belts S-11.9 Forklift Operation S-11.9.1 Speed and Movement Restrictions S-11.9.2 Getting On or Off S-11.9.3 Operation On Ramps S-11.9.4 Gates/Doors S-11.9.5 Load Limits S-11.9.6 Unloaded Fork Position S-11.9.7 Personnel Baskets S-11.9.8 Inspections S-11.9.9 Fueling a Forklift S-12.0 Motor Vehicles and Trailers S-12.1 Operation of Motor Vehicles S-12.1.1 General Requirements S-12.3 Motorcycle Use S-12.4 Utility Vehicles S-12.5 Seat Belts S-12.6 Passengers S-12.7 Maintenance/Inspections S-12.8 Backing S-12.9 Parking S-12.9.1 Fouling Tracks or Roadways S-12.10 Work Under Vehicles or Trailers S-12.11 Transporting Tools and Material S-12.12 Special Equipment Mounted on Vehicles or Trailers S-12.13 Trailers S-12.13.1 Required Equipment S-12.13.2 Inspection S-12.14 Accidents/Incidents S-12.15 Instructions for Transporting ATD LINES or operating railroad TY&E Personnel S-12.15.1 General S-12.15.2 Before Operating the Vehicle S-12.15.3 Transporting Personnel S-12.15.4 Traveling S-12.15.5 Personnel Group Hauling On-Duty Time S-13.0 On or Near Tracks, Locomotives and Rail Cars S-13.1 General Requirements S-13.1.3 Tracks S-13.1.4 Sitting or Standing S-13.8 Fusees and Torpedoes S-13.8.1 Storing Fusees and Torpedoes S-13.8.2 Disposing of Damaged Fusees and Torpedoes S-15.0 Oxygen and Fuel Gas S-15.1 Storing Gas Cylinders S-15.2 Testing for and Handling Leaks S-15.2.1 Testing for Leaks S-15.2.2 Handling Leaks S-15.3 Mixing Gases S-15.4 Handling and Transporting Gas Cylinders S-15.5 Changing Gas Cylinders S-20.0 Work Environment S-20.1 Protection for Openings S-20.2 Clearances and Obstructions S-20.2.1 Overhead and Side Obstructions S-20.2.2 Communication/Signal Wires S-20.3 Confined Space S-20.4 Machine Operation S-20.5 Office Environment S-20.5.1 Office Equipment Arrangement S-20.5.2 Filing Cabinets and Desks S-20.5.3 Chairs S-20.5.4 Cords S-20.5.5 Paper Cutters S-20.5.6 Reaching Overhead S-21.0 Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing (PPE) S-21.1 Personal Protective Equipment Requirements S-21.1.1 Approved Equipment S-21.2 Personal Protective Clothing Requirements S-21.2.1 Special Protective Clothing S-21.2.2 Safety Boots S-21.2.3 Protective Gloves S-21.3 Respirator Selection and Use S-21.3.1 Respiratory Protection Program S-21.4 Dark Lens Eye Protection S-21.5 Hearing Protection S-21.30 Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing Chart (PPE) S-21.31 Eye and Face Protection Chart (PPE) S-21.32 Work Glove Chart (PPE) S-21.33 Respiratory Protection Chart (PPE) S-23.0 Railroad Radio Rules S-23.1 Transmitting S-23.2 Required Identification S-23.3 Repetition S-23.4 Over S-23.5 Out S-23.6 Communication Not Understood or Incomplete S-23.7 Monitoring Radio Transmissions S-23.8 Acknowledgment S-23.9 Misuse of Radio Communications S-23.10 Emergency Calls S-23.11 Prohibited Transmissions S-23.12 Fixed Signal Information S-23.13 In Place of Hand Signals S-23.14 Transmitting Track Warrants and Track Bulletins S-23.15 Phonetic Alphabet S-23.16 Assigned Frequencies S-23.17 Radio Testing S-23.18 Malfunctioning Radio S-23.19 Blasting Operations S-23.20 Internal Adjustments S-23.21 Mobile Radio Access System (MARS) S-25.0 Job Tools S-25.1 Tasak Safety Briefing S-25.2 Stretches S-26.0 Policies S-26.1 Conflict of Interest S-26.3 Medical Examinations S-26.4 Sexual Harassment S-26.6 Smoking S-26.7 Telecommunication Usage S-26.8 Complete and Accurate Reporting S-26.9 Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Program S-26.10 Vietnam Era Veterans and Disabled Veterans Policy S-26.11 Qualified Disabled Individuals Policy S-27.0 Programs S-27.1 Asbestos Control S-27.2 Back Conservation S-27.3 Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control S-27.4 Confined Space S-27.5 Electrical Safety S-27.6 Exposure Assessment S-27.8 Forklift Safety S-27.9 Hazard Communication S-27.10 Hazardous Materials Training S-27.11 Hearing Conservation S-27.14 Personnel Performance Accountability S-27.15 Respiratory Protection S-27.16 Safety Risk Evaluation S-27.17 Temperature Extremes S-28.0 General Responsibilities S-28.1 Safety S-28.1.1 Maintaining a Safe Course S-28.1.2 Alert and Attentive S-28.1.3 Accidents, Injuries, and Defects S-28.1.4 Condition of Equipment and Tools S-28.1.5 Inspection After Derailment S-28.2 Personal Injuries and Accidents S-28.2.1 Care for Injured S-28.2.2 Witnesses S-28.2.3 Equipment Inspection S-28.2.4 Mechanical Inspection S-28.2.5 Reporting S-28.2.6 Statements S-28.2.7 Furnishing Information S-28.3 Rules S-28.3.1 Rules, Regulations, and Instructions S-28.4 Carrying Out Rules and Reporting Violations S-28.5 Drugs and Alcohol S-28.6 Conduct S-28.6.1 Suitable Language S-28.7 Altercations S-28.8 Appearance S-28.9 Respecting ATD LINES and Operating Railroads S-28.10 Games, Reading, or Electronic Devices S-28.11 Sleeping S-28.12 Weapons S-28.13 Reporting and Complying with Instructions S-28.14 Duty—Reporting or Absence S-28.15 Subject to Call S-28.16 Hours of Service Law S-28.17 Unauthorized Duty Assignment S-28.18 Care of Property S-28.18.1 ATD LINES Vehicles S-28.19 Alert to Train Movement S-28.20 Occupying Roof S-28.21 Not Permitted on Equipment S-28.21.1 Unauthorized Personnel S-28.22 Altering Equipment S-28.23 Clean Property S-28.23.1 Avoid Littering S-28.24 Credit or Property S-28.24.1 Proper Use of Postage S-28.25 Gratuities S-28.26 Divulging Information S-28.26.1 Requirements for Disclosing Company Information S-28.26.2 Monitoring of Company Information S-28.27 Fire S-28.61 Encroachment S-28.61.1 Authorized on Railroad Property S-28.62 Legal Summons S-40.0 Glossary PERSONNEL SAFETY RULES Revised 04-01-06 S-1.0 Core Safety Rules Rules provide a core of safe work practices for ATD LINES Personnel. The rules apply every day and duties performed. They will guide and direct personnel in maintaining a safe work environment. S-1.1 Personnel Safety Training Personnel must participate in a personnel safety training before beginning work and when work or duty conditions change. The briefing includes a discussion of the general duty plan, existing or potential hazards, and ways to eliminate or protect against hazards. Outside parties or contractors involved in the work or who are in the work area must also be included in the personnel safety training. S-1.2 Rights and Responsibilities ATD LINES Personnel have the right and responsibility to perform work safely. ATD LINES training, skills, work experience, and personnel judgment provide the foundation for making safe decisions about duties and performance practices. S-1.2.1 Sufficient Time Take sufficient time to perform duties and tasks safely. S-1.2.2 Authorized and Trained Perform duties and tasks only when authorized and trained to perform. S-1.2.3 Alert and Attentive Assure that all personnel are alert and attentive when performing duties. S-1.2.4 Co-Workers Warned Warn co-personnel of all unsafe practices and/or conditions. S-1.2.5 Safety Rules, Training Practices, Policies Comply with all ATD LINES personnel safety rules, engineering instructions, training practices, and policies. S-1.2.6 Warning Signs Comply with verbal warnings, warning signs, posted instructions, and placards identifying restricted areas, safety and health precautions, or potential hazards. S-1.2.7 Two or More Personnel Do not perform a duties or task alone that can only safely be performed by two or more personnel. S-1.2.8 Reporting Make reports of incidents immediately to the proper manager. S-1.2.9 Horseplay Personnel Conduct must be performed in a way that supports a safe work environment-free of horseplay, practical jokes, and harassment. S-1.2.10 "Bill of Rights" Relative to Personnel Riding in Transport Vehicles Safety is responsibility of all personnel. Below are some expectations with respect to personnel rights regarding riding in transport vehicles. A large percentage of personnel are transported to and from various locations were ATD LINES has duties to perform. Safety is not only something for which ATD LINES and personnel are each responsible, but personnel are also empowered to take those steps which make a safe workplace for all personnel and clients. Please accept this challenge to exercise "personnel safety rights" with regard to riding in ransport vehicles. Right 1 Expect transport vehicles to be properly serviced, maintained, and in good working order. In addition, contract vans must be clean, with all seat belts and all safety appliances in working order,. Right 2 Expect a safety briefing regarding movements to be made, route to be taken, location of safety appliances, i.e. fire extinguisher, first aid kit, emergency response plan in the event of medical emergency, etc. Right 3 Expect the vehicle to be parked in the most accessible location closest to the pickup/drop-off point. The driver will take into consideration walking conditions and surfaces when positioning the vehicle. When possible, stop the vehicle off any public roadways. Right 4 Expect the vehicle to be secured against movement after it has stopped for loading or unloading passengers and baggage, by placing the vehicle in park, securing the parking brake and shutting off the engine. Right 5 Expect the driver to request assistance when backing where required due to vision limitations. Right 6 During hazardous weather conditions, expect the driver not to use cruise control, and have the necessary traction devices, studs or chains, when weather requires. Right 7 ATD LINES personnel can expect that the driver will not be distracted from paying attention to the road while driving, by such things as eating and drinking. Right 8 ATD LINES personnel can expect every van used to transport personnel between stations or equipment have functional two-way radio, which could be a pack-set, tuned to the appropriate ATD LINES or operating railroad frequency. In addition, when equipped with a cellular phone, it must be in working order. Right 9 ATD LINES personnel can expect assistance with baggage as requested. Right 10 ATD LINES personnel can expect that the driver will demand all personnel to have seat belts on before the vehicle is moved, and will stop the vehicle when the driver is aware that seat belts are removed by any personnel or vehicle occupant. Right 11 Expect that all doors are securely closed prior to departure. Right 12 Expect to be reminded of ATD LINES No Smoking Policy, as necessary. Right 13 ATD LINES personnel are empowered with the right to refuse to be transported in an unsafe vehicle, or be driven by a personnel who does not meet the aforementioned criteria. However, in the same vein, all personnel are responsible to abide by all rules, processes, and procedures that govern personnel working environment. No matter what other personnel may think, these rules have been placed into effect for the continued safety and well-being of all personnel. The sole responsibility of personnel safety cannot rest on just the any personnel. We cannot safely rely on the personnel assuring that all personnel remain buckled up after the vehicle is in motion. As co-personnel, are obligated to constantly remind each other to wear seat belts where required and to follow all rules that pertain to personnel work place. S.D. Medical Conditions All personnel are responsible to ensuring that all medical conditions do not interfere with ability to safely perform duties. Personnel with medical conditions that may adversely (such as uncontrolled diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep disorders including apnea, visual impairment, hearing impairment, etc) affect duty performance ability to work safely must inform medical practitioner of ATD LINES duties. The medical provider must determine that any prescribed treatment including medication will not impair the personnel from safely performing duties. The personnel must notify physician/medical provider if prescribed treatment and/or medication is affecting ability to safely perform duties. S.D. Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing S.D. Requirements Be familiar with and wearing protective equipment and clothing as required by duty being performed. Any changes made in the recommended use or design of protective equipment or clothing must be approved by the manufacturer. S.D. Finger Rings Do not wear finger rings unless working in an office or office-like area. S.D. Tools and Equipment S.D. Inspection Inspect tools and equipment for defects before and during use. Repair or remove from service those that fail inspection. Promptly tag and report to supervisor or person in charge any defect(s). If necessary, guard the hazard. S-1.4.2 Use as Intended Use tools and equipment for the purposes intended. S-1.4.3 Manufacturer Specifications Read and follow the manufacturer’s specifications when using tools and equipment. S-1.4.4 Manufacturer Approval Secure manufacturer approval for any changes made in the recommended use or design before using. S-1.4.5 On or Off Moving Equipment Do not get on or off moving equipment, except in emergency to avoid injury. S-1.4.6 Three-Point Contact Maintain three-point contact when getting on or off vehicles, equipment, and machinery, and when ascending or descending ladders or platforms. Three-point contact consists of both feet and one hand or both hands and one foot. S-1.4.7 Physical Exertion Personnel must only use ATD LINES approved stretches when stretching at the beginning of the shift, before physical exertion, after rest breaks, and after a long period of sitting or maintaining the same posture. Personnel are to stretch without exceeding personal capabilities, but must participate to the extent of ability or as directed by a physician. Stretches following rest breaks may consist of a subset of the approved stretches. Always use safe lifting practices when lifting, carrying or performing other tasks that might cause back pain, injury or property damage. Do not use excessive force to accomplish tasks. If one personnel cannot manually handle a load safely, then use mechanical assistance. Where mechanical assistance is not readily available, request assistance or stop and obtain the mechanical means necessary to complete the task. S-1.4.8 Passengers Transport passengers in vehicles equipped to transport passengers. S-1.4.9 Seat Belts Wear seat belts while operating or riding in equipment or vehicles that are equipped with them. S-1.5 Work Environment S-1.5.1 Housekeeping Keep work locations, vehicles, and the inside and outside of buildings clean and orderly at all times. S-1.5.2 Inspection Inspect work place locations and vehicles for any conditions that might cause injury, property damage, or interference with service. If finding such a condition, take necessary action to protect against the hazard, or discontinue activities in the area or with the vehicle. Promptly tag (where appropriate) and report any defect or hazard to supervisor or personnel in charge. S-1.5.3 Footing Be alert to all walkway conditions, and adjust performance actions to accommodate weather, time of day, and grade. Guard against slipping and stumbling hazards by using handholds and railings when available. Except in emergency, running is not permitted in the performance of duty. S-1.5.4 Confined Spaces Consider all confined spaces hazardous unless proven otherwise. Only authorized and trained individuals may enter confined spaces. S-1.5.5 Hazardous Materials Handle contaminants and hazardous chemicals according to all applicable government regulations and ATD LINES or operating railroad policies. S-1.6 Working On or About Tracks S-1.6.1 Movement of Equipment Expect the movement of trains, engines, cars, or other equipment at any time, on any track, and in either direction. S-2.0 Chemical Safety S-2.1 Environmental Safety In compliance with ATD LINES environmental protection policy, take measures to prevent: 1. Spills of oil or other material. 2. Discharge of contaminants to sewers, waterways, or the ground. 3. Smoke and gas emissions when operating combustion equipment. Treat all unidentified material as hazardous until identified. Do not transport unidentified material. S-2.2 Chemical Spills and Chemical Releases to Air In the event of a chemical spill or release of a chemical or unknown material to the air, evacuate the area. Report oil or hazardous material spills promptly to the dispatcher and your supervisor. Include in your report: 1. Spill location. 2. Material and amount of spill. 3. Distance to the nearest public waters. 4. Other important information. Do not take any further action unless you are specifically trained to do so, using appropriate protective gear and work practices. Do not re-enter the affected area until given the "All Clear" by incident response personnel. S-2.3 Labeling Chemical Containers At the time you place a chemical in a container, affix to that container a label identifying the chemical and appropriate hazard warnings. S-2.4 Ventilation for Maintaining Safe Atmospheres Provide mechanical ventilation to enclosed areas when: 1. Applying solvents, paints, and other chemicals. 2. Welding, torch cutting, or burning. 3. Emissions from combustion engines, stoves, or heaters (especially in enclosed areas) may cause concentration of excessive airborne contaminants. 4. Recommended in product instructions or MSS. S-2.5 Skin Cleaning Do not clean any part of the body-skin with gasoline, solvents, or oily rags. Use supplied hand creams and soaps for cleaning hands, arms, face, and other parts of the body. If the skin has been exposed to corrosive agents (acids or bases), use plain water to flush continuously for at least fifteen minutes.Do not apply ointments, soaps, or creams to chemical or thermal burns. S-2.6 Containment and Spill Prevention When dispensing petroleum products or other materials such as soaps and solvents from drums or containers: • Whenever possible, place drums in a vertical position and use an appropriate pump for dispensing the product. Place an absorbent mat or dike on top of the dispensing drum or container. • If drums must be placed in a horizontal position, use self-closing dispensing valves. 1. Place the drum or container in a dike or other containment. 2. Place containment devices such as drip pans under drums and valves. 3. Properly label receiving container. 4. When dispensing flammable liquids, ground and bond all containers. 5. Properly dispose of contaminated absorbent material and mats. S-2.8 Protection from Asbestos Exposure Conduct all work involving asbestos in accordance with ATD LINES Authorized Asbestos Control program. S-2.8.1 Repair and Maintenance When providing any repair or maintenance where Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) or Potential Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) will likely be disturbed, or where ACM or ACM will be removed, implement the Asbestos Control program. S-2.8.2 Training Before working with ACM or ACM, complete asbestos training. Complete additional asbestos training on an annual basis as long as you continue to work with ACM or ACM. S-2.10 Protection from Silica-Containing Dust Whenever you are exposed to visible airborne dust arising from ballast, taconite, or sand, wear respiratory protection. S-2.11 Chemical Approval Do not bring a chemical product onto ATD LINES or operating railroad property until the chemical is approved. S-3.0 Electrical Safety S-3.1 Requirements S-3.1.1 General 1. Use ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) on electrical circuits in damp areas or outdoors. 2. Do not use portable metal ladders for electrical work. 3. Do not use electrical cords for hoisting or lowering. 4. Test structures (metal buildings, flood light towers, etc.) with live power circuits, before touching them, to make sure they are not energized. S-3.1.2 Authorized Personnel Only authorized and trained personnel are permitted to work on electrical apparatus or equipment. Wear a dielectric hard hat when working where you could contact power lines orhigh-voltage equipment. S-3.1.3 Warning Signs Place danger signs near exposed energized circuits. S-3.1.4 Flashlights Use only an approved flashlight with a nonmetallic case around electrical equipment. S-3.1.5 Contacts Do not use flag sticks or other objects to close or open contacts on engines under electrical load. S-3.1.6 Lockout/Tagout Follow approved lockout/tagout procedures: 1. Assume all wires, conductors, and other electrical equipment are energized, unless known to be locked out. 2. Do not alter safety features of fuses, circuit breakers, or other electrical equipment. 3. Do not open secondary circuits of energized current transformers. S-3.3 Charging and Jumping Batteries S-3.3.1 Precautions for Servicing Batteries Follow these precautions when servicing batteries: 1. Do not smoke in battery-charging areas. 2. Do not allow open flames, sparks, or electric arcs in battery-charging areas or around exposed batteries. 3. Make sure charging area is adequately ventilated. 4. When charging a battery, keep the vent caps in place to avoid electrolyte spray. 5. Leave the battery compartment doors open when charging an engine battery from an external source. 6. Wear face shield over splash goggles and other protective equipment as required by the work order when filling or charging a battery. 7. Do not permit battery electrolytes (acid) to contact eyes, skin, or clothing. Wash battery electrolytes from your eyes or skin with cold water immediately. 8. Remove any leads from terminal posts when scrapping batteries. S-3.3.2 Battery Flushing Use insulated funnels for flushing batteries. S-3.3.4 Metallic Objects Keep tools, metal jewelry (including watches), and other metallic objects away from the top of uncovered batteries. S-3.3.5 Jumping Batteries Do not use a welding machine to jump-start a battery. S-5.0 Fire Prevention, Response, and Hazards S-5.1 General Requirements Know and understand area emergency plans and special instructions related to fire protection. In case of smoke or fire, notify all individuals who may be affected, supervisors, and appropriate emergency responders. Keep exit aisles, emergency exits, and fire doors clear. Keep areas around buildings, structures, and equipment free of fire hazards. S-5.2 Emergency Procedures Fight a fire only if properly trained and equipped, if judgment dictates can be done safely. S-5.2.2 Right-of-Way Fires If the fire could spread to a bridge or other structure, stop the train, and fight the fire only if properly trained and equipped and judgment dictates can do safely. Do not drive through plumes of smoke or chemical vapors unless necessary to escape from a life-threatening situation. S-5.3 Fire Extinguishers and Protection Devices S-5.3.1 Defective Fire Extinguishers Report out-of-date, discharged, or defective fire extinguishers to proper authority. S-5.3.2 Access to Fire Extinguishers and Protection Devices Maintain clear access to fire extinguishers, alarm boxes, and other fire protection devices. Do not park vehicles or place material within 25 feet of fire hydrants. S-5.5 Fueling Vehicles, Machinery, and Equipment While fueling vehicles, machinery, power tools, and other equipment: 1. Stop engines (diesel locomotives excluded). 2. Do not smoke. 2. Avoid open flames. 3. Do not leave fueling hose unattended when fueling. Gasolines tools, fuel before use. If refueling is necessary during use, be careful to avoid spills and allow the engine to cool before refueling, since hot engine parts may ignite fuel. While fueling, make sure the safety can spout or hose nozzle touches the side of the tank opening to prevent static electricity discharge. Only use safety cans to transport fuel. S-5.6 Electrical Circuits If not experienced in handling energized electrical circuits, do not attempt to extinguish fires on power line poles or directly connected equipment. Never use water to extinguish fires on energized power line poles or electric equipment. S-5.9 Refrigeration Systems S-5.9.1 Qualified Personnel Only qualified Personnel may work on refrigeration systems. S-7.0 Hand Tools S-7.3 Precautions During Use When using tools such as knives, chisels, and screwdrivers, direct sharp edges away from your body or hands. S-7.5 Banding Material Carefully handle banding material and tools as follows: 1. Wear cut-resistant gloves to protect your hands from sharp corners of the cutting band. 2. Use only band cutters to cut steel bands. 3. Place scrap banding in suitable containers for disposal, or move it to a designated area. S-7.7 Correct Tool Use Use tools only for what they are designed to do. If unsure about a tool’s correct use, ask your supervisor. S-8.0 Intermodal/Automotive Facility Safety S-8.1 Core Intermodal/Automotive Facility Safety Rules 1. Establish proper track protection before performing work. 2. Vehicles must not STOP on, PARK on, or FOUL tracks, without proper protection. 3. Do not drive or park on lift equipment lanes, under lift equipment, or impede lift equipment movement. 4. Obey all posted safety signs, signals, and painted markings. 5. All vehicles must turn on headlights and use turn signals. 6. Never place any part of body in a pinch point position (i.e. when removing IBC with container suspended, standing between containers, trailers, chassis, or area where hitch is to collapse), or walk under equipment being lifted. 7. Maintain three-point contact when getting on and off equipment. S-8.2 Track Protection In addition to ATD LINES on-track protection procedures used for personnel group protection see "intermodal, roadrailer and sweil-x" hub operations manual identifies procedures for ATD LINES "intermodal, roadrailer and swevil-x" personnel and contractors. The "intermodal, roadrailer and swevil-x" ramp coordinator is responsible for ensuring that protection is provided for ramp personnel performing functions on or in the vicinity "intermodal, roadrailer, sweil-x" tracks, for properly locking out any track(s) to be worked on, and for properly removing track protection, in accordance with the "intermodal, roadrailer and swevil-x" Hubs Operations Track Protect Section. S-8.3 Vehicles Within Intermodal, Roadrailer and Swevil-x Facility S-8.3.1 Vehicle Requirements Required safety equipment on yard vehicles must be functioning and used when vehicle is operated on the facility. This includes strobes or oscillating lights, headlights, tail lights, and brake lights, turn indicators, and windshield wipers. In addition, all yard pickup trucks,crew vans, trailer repair, tire repair and other vehicles permanently assigned to the facility musbe equipped with chassis deflector bars. S-8.3.2 Vehicle Operations 1. Stop for flares and flashing lights at crossings. 2. Yield to trains, yard equipment and pedestrians. 3. Cross only at designated crossings. S-8.4 Check Point Ingate / Outgate Procedures All vehicles entering or departing through checkpoint must comply with the following procedures: 1. An area has been establish 35 feet from the inspection lane, and is declared the safe clearance zone between trucks and inspection lane. A three foot wide area is painted RED across each lane. Exceptions: South Seattle, Billings, Shelby, Dilworth (No safe zone required not manned). St. Paul, Spokane, Portland (15 feet from the inspection lane). San Bernardino (KIOSK outgate 15 feet from the inspection lane). Rancho East & West (10 feet from the inspection lane). 2. Stop signs are posted at this area in each check lane and the ground stenciled with the word STOP (painted in WHITE) across the lane. 3. Mounted on the pole below the stop sign is a white sign with black lettering stating: "WAIT FOR SIGNAL TO MOVE FORWARD". 4. Cones with a height of 48 inches will be placed in the middle of each check lane and removed only by the inspector that signals a vehicle to pull forward. When the vehicle is stopped the inspector will replace the cone back into the middle of the check lane. This procedure is repeated each time an inspection is to be performed. 5. The cone shall remain in the middle of a clear check lane until the inspector removes the cone and signals the vehicle to pull forward. S-9.0 Ladders, Platforms, Scaffolds, and Aerial Baskets S-9.1 Inspection Before using a ladder, scaffold, platform, or elevated board, inspect it to make sure it is securely placed and capable of supporting a load. Do not use cross-grained or knotty lumber in any part of the device. Before using ladders, inspect them for: 1. Broken, cracked, or missing steps, rungs, or cleats. 2. Broken side rails. 3. Other defects. Never use a defective ladder. Tag and mark it for repair or replacement. Do not paint wooden ladders or splice side rails. S-9.2 Storage Store ladders (except vehicle-carried ladders) where they will not be exposed to the weather. S-9.3 Stage Boards When using stage boards not securely fastened to the supports, do not let them extend more than 6 inches beyond the last support. Use stage boards equipped with end stops or drop pins to keep them in place on the supports. S-9.4 Safety Feet Use only portable straight ladders equipped with grippers, cleats, or nonslip safety feet suitable to the surface on which the ladder is placed. S-9.5 Ladder and Scaffold Placement Place a straight ladder so that the distance from the base of the ladder to the vertical plane of the support is approximately 1/4 the ladder length between the supports and ladder base. When setting ladders or portable scaffolds: 1. Extend the ladder side rails at least 3 feet above the surface you will be stepping onto. 2. Place the legs on firm footing and secure them against movement. 3. Do not lean legs against an unstable object. 4. Do not place legs on boxes, barrels, or blocks for additional height. 5. Secure the ladder or scaffold in position if it could move. 6. Do not use ladders in a horizontal position as runways or scaffolds. 7. Secure ladders used near a door, aisle, pathway, or roadway, or have a co-personnel guard the ladder base. When using a ladder within the swing of a door, secure the door or have another personnel guard the ladder base. S-9.6 Ladders for Electrical Work Do not use metal ladders or scaffolds while working on energized electrical circuits. Use approved fiberglass or other type of approved nonconductive ladders. S-9.7 Instructions for Climbing When climbing: • Always face ladders or scaffolding. • Do not stand higher than the manufacturer’s specifications dictate. • Have only one personnel on a ladder at a time. • Do not jump or slide from a ladder, scaffold, platform, or other elevated position. • Do not move laterally from one ladder to another. • Never overreach or attempt to "walk" a ladder. • Keep the center of body within the outside rails of the ladder. S-9.7.1 Climbing with Tools or Materials Do not climb ladders with tools or materials in your hands; use a hand line. Position tools or materials on a scaffold or platform where they will not fall or be knocked off. S-9.8 Performing Work Do not work under a ladder. S-9.9 Extension Ladders Use only approved extension ladders, and use them as follows: 1. Carefully raise them so that the top of the ladder safely overlaps the support by 3 feet minimum. 2. Make sure guides and hooks are properly engaged. 3. Do not splice short ladders together to make a longer one. S-9.10 Step Ladders Follow these instructions when using step ladders: 1. Use only a fully open step ladder with spreaders properly set. 2. Do not use step ladders taller than 10 feet unless another personnel holds and steadies the ladder. S-9.11 Construction Scaffolding Use only scaffolds and suspended platforms constructed and maintained according to departmental instructions. Do not stand on the handrails of any scaffold or platform to gain additional height. S-9.11.1 Sectional Metal Scaffolds Erect sectional metal scaffolding according to the manufacturer’s instructions and adequately brace. Maintain outriggers in good working condition and protect from damage. S-9.12 Non-Powered Mobile Scaffolding When using non-powered mobile scaffolding: < 1. Do not ride rolling scaffolds. 2. Secure or remove all material and equipment from the platform before moving the scaffold. 3. Apply caster or wheel brakes at all times when a scaffold is stationary. 4. Do not try to move the scaffold without help. 5. Watch out for holes in the floor and for overhead obstructions when moving the scaffold. 5. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for adjusting screws. S-9.13 Aerial Work Platforms When working from aerial platforms, including scissor lifts and boom-mounted baskets or buckets: 1. Check pathway and overhead for obstructions before moving the platform. 2. Always stand firmly on the floor and do not sit or climb on the edge of the platform or use planks, ladders or other objects to increase reach. 3. Do not exceed the manufacturer’s rated safe load. 4. Maintain a safe distance from high-voltage power sources. 5. Do not modify the equipment without prior written approval from the manufacturer. S-9.13.1 Scissor Lifts When working from a scissor lift: 1. Platform must be equipped with a guardrail and toe boards. Guard rails must be completely installed, in good condition and with gates fastened. 2. Never climb or stand on toe boards or guardrail. Never hang outside theguardrails. 3. If required by local or state law, a safety belt or harness must be worn that meets the same requirements as stated below in S-9.13.2. Safety belts may only be used for fall restraint in scissor lifts. 4.Personnel using fall protection or restraint equipment must attend appropriate training. When working from elevated platforms or scissor lifts, use only elevated S-9.13.2 Boom-Mounted Baskets or Buckets When working from a boom-mounted basket or bucket: 1. A safety belt or harness equipped with a lanyard that restrains personnel within the platform must be worn to prevent personnel from being ejected out of the platform. 2. The lanyard must be secured to an anchor point designed and designated by the manufacturer for this use. 3. Do not attach the lanyard to a pole, piece of equipment, or any other structure. 4. Do not allow the platform to rest on or against any structure or equipment while working from the platform. 5. Do not climb in or out of an elevated basket or bucket unless it is equipped with a door or a gate and the lift is positioned to provide safe access. 6. On equipment designed primarily as personnel carriers, use only equipment with upper and lower platform controls where the lower controls can override the upper controls. 7. Personnel using fall protection or restraint equipment must attend appropriate training. S-11.0 Material Handling S-11.1 Material Storage S-11.1.1 Stacking Material Store material neatly, interlocking it where possible to prevent shifting or falling. Do not store heavy materials on top of fragile or crushable materials. Material should be stored only on shelving or racks with sufficient rated capacity. S-11.1.2 Overhead Clearance Maintain a minimum of 18 inches of clearance below sprinkler heads so they can operate effectively in the event of a fire. S-11.1.3 Storing Combustibles Keep combustible materials away from a source of ignition. S-11.1.4 Storage Racks Secure material storage racks to the floor or a wall where there is a height-to-depth ratio greater than 3 to 1. If racks can be fastened together to achieve a 3-to-1 ratio, no securement is required. Inspect pallet racks and shelving on a regular basis. S-11.2 Hand Trucks When possible, push a hand truck rather than pulling it. However, if assisting someone, push the hand truck from the rear, not from the side, and stand where you can see ahead clearly. When pulling a hand truck, do not jerk it to get over an obstruction; pull with a steady force. Do not walk backward while pushing or pulling a hand truck or wagon. Do not ride on hand trucks or wagons. S-11.3 Pallet Use and Stacking When stacking loaded pallets: 1. Determine how much the material and packaging can support. 2. Stack pallets only as high as the material on the bottom of the stack can support. 3. Inspect pallets for damage and stability. The forklift operator must warn others working near the stacking operations. S-11.4 Loading and Unloading Cars, Trucks, and Trailers When loading and unloading cars, trucks, and trailers: 1. Chock wheels of cars, trucks, and trailers spotted at doors and platforms before loading or unloading. 2. Use truck jacks at the front of trailers, in addition to chocking, where trailers are not attached to tractors. 3. Make sure all transfer equipment (gangplanks, transfer plates, etc.) is properly secured before using it. 4. Do not place gangplanks, transfer plates, or skids in doorways of cars coupled to a locomotive unless there is protection against movement. 5. Do not load and unload a trailer truck while the tractor is being coupled or uncoupled. 6. Trucks and trailers secured by an automatic locking bar hooked to the ICC Bar do not require chocks. S-11.5 Sharp Edges Eliminate sharp or ragged edges and nails on drums, cans, and kegs when using them as shipping containers. S-11.5.1 Banding Material Carefully handle banding material and tools as follows: 1. Wear cut-resistant or leather gloves to protect your hands from sharp edges of banding. 2. Use only band cutters to cut steel bands. 3. Place scrap banding in suitable containers for disposal, or move it to a designated area. S-11.6 Wheel-sets To stop mounted freight car or locomotive wheel-sets: 1. Stand on the trailing side of the wheel-set and apply force to the axle to slow the movement. 2. Do not hold the flange of the wheel. 3. Do not walk in front of the mounted wheelsets or leave mounted wheel-sets unattended until they are stopped and secure. S-11.7 Hazardous Material Handling S-11.7.1 Complying with Regulations Handle all hazardous materials, wastes and substances as defined by the DOT and EPA, according to federal, state, local international regulations and ATD LINES including operating railroad policy. An authorized personnel must supervise the task. S-11.7.2 Loading or Unloading Tank Cars When loading or unloading tank cars: 1. Make sure cars are protected against movement when loading or unloading material. 2. Set hand brake and chock wheels before loading or unloading. 3. All tank cars must have a railing around the platforms where workers stand. 4. Make sure the outlet valve is shut off. 5. If material is flammable, use non-sparking wrenches. Do not smoke or generate sparks or open flames. 6. Properly ground tank cars containing gasoline or other flammables. S-11.7.3 Handling Fluorescent/Neon Tubes Handle fluorescent or neon tubes carefully. If they break, do not inhale the dust and vapor. Dispose of in accordance with ATD LINES or operating railroad policy. S-11.7.4 Disposing of Spray Containers Carefully store and dispose of pressure spray containers. Do not expose them to excessive heat. Dispose of them per state law. S-11.8 Forklifts S-11.8.1 Parking Requirements Do not park a forklift on a ramp or incline. When parking a forklift: 1. Park the forklift clear of obstructions. 2. Set the hand brake. 3. Lower the forks. S-11.8.2 Dismounting Forklift—Attended and Unattended Forklifts When dismounting forklift and still in attendance of the equipment (within 25 ft. and forklift insight): 1. Bring the forklift to a complete stop. 2. Place directional controls in neutral. 3. Apply the parking brake, and if equipped with automatic brake, place in Park. 4. Lower forks to the ground. (Exception: when task requires elevated load) 5. Use three-point contact when climbing from forklift. 6. Do not allow yourself or others to be directly in front or behind forklift, unless engine is shut off. When leaving a forklift unattended: 1. Lower forks to the ground. 2. Shut off the engine. 3. Remove the key (where security is a problem). 4. Do not allow the forklift to foul tracks. 5. Apply the parking brake, and if equipped with automatic brake, place in Park. S-11.8.3 Passengers Passengers are not allowed on forklifts unless the truck is equipped with passenger seat and seat belt. S-11.8.4 Tool Storage Do not place tools, material, or other objects on a forklift that may interfere with its operation. S-11.8.5 Seat Belts Use seat belts where provided. S-11.9 Forklift Operation S-11.9.1 Speed and Movement Restrictions When operating a forklift: 1. Reduce speed and sound the horn when rounding corners or passing doorways or congested areas. 2. Watch for and avoid contact with overhead and side obstructions and high-voltage wires. 3. Make sure the way is clear before moving in any direction. 4. Bring a forklift to a complete stop before reversing direction. 5. Look in both directions before crossing tracks. Where possible, cross diagonally. 6. Operate the forklift backwards if the load obstructs view. S-11.9.2 Getting On or Off Do not get on or off a moving forklift. Maintain a three-point contact when getting on and off forklifts. S-11.9.3 Operation On Ramps Back a loaded forklift slowly down ramps or inclines. S-11.9.4 Gates/Doors Do not use a forklift to open or close doors or gates on buildings. S-11.9.5 Load Limits Do not pick up loads that exceed the forklift’s marked load capacity. Do not move the machine until the load is secured. S-11.9.6 Unloaded Fork Position When moving an unloaded forklift, keep the forks 18 inches or less from the floor or ground to avoid obstructions. S-11.9.7 Personnel Baskets When using personnel baskets: 1. Use a forklift only as an elevator for personnel(example, to service light fixtures) when it is equipped with an approved work platform that meets OSHA standards. 2. Always secure the approved basket to the mast guard when using forklift to lift personnel. 3. Ensure that passengers stand only on the floor of the basket. 4. Fork lift operator must stay at controls while basket is occupied. S-11.9.8 Inspections 1. Always do a safety inspection of a forklift before operating it the first time. 2. Complete safety inspection records as required. 3. Promptly report all defects for needed repairs to the proper authority. 4. When defects are found, which affect the safe operation of a forklift, the forklift is to be red tagged, the key is to be removed and the defect immediately reported to the proper authority. S-11.9.9 Fueling a Forklift 1. Turn off the engine. 2. See Rule S-5.8 for requirements regarding LPG tanks. S-12.0 Motor Vehicles and Trailers S-12.1 Operation of Motor Vehicles S-12.1.1 General Requirements Every ATD LINES or operating railroad driver must: 1. Know and obey local, state, and federal laws and international regulations for operating vehicles, both on and off ATD LINES or operating railroad property. 2.Carry a required driver’s license. 3. Complete a vehicle log and inspection form, if applicable. 4. Ensure that necessary emergency equipment, tools, and a fire extinguisher are in the vehicle and in good conditions. 5. Use headlights any time the vehicle is moving. 6. Do not exceed the manufacturer’s specifications for speed. S-12.3 Motorcycle Use Do not use motorcycles to perform your duties or to deadhead. S-12.4 Utility Vehicles Complete a Utility Vehicle Safety Training Course prior to operating a utility vehicle. When operating a utility vehicle: 1. Wear seat belts where provided. 2. Ensure that the utility vehicle is modified to limit maximum speed to 15 MPH or less. S-12.5 Seat Belts Seat belts must be worn according to the manufacturer’s guidelines posted in the vehicle or equipment and must be worn while operating or riding in moving equipment or vehicles that are equipped with them. Lying down while wearing seat belts is prohibited. S-12.6 Passengers Do not transport unauthorized persons in a company vehicle except in an emergency. Notify the driver before boarding any vehicle. Never get on or off of a moving vehicle except in an emergency. S-12.7 Maintenance/Inspections Drivers assigned to vehicles and trailers, and their managers or foremen, are equally responsible for maintenance, cleanliness, and inspections to ensure that the equipment operates properly and safely and complies with federal motor carrier safety regulations.Any defects found during inspections that might prevent the vehicle from operating safely must be corrected by a trained person before the vehicle is used. All other defects must be repaired as soon as possible. S-12.8 Backing Position the vehicle, when possible, to avoid backup movement. Before backing, inspect areas to the rear to ensure that no persons or obstructions are in the path of movement.When backing vehicles other than automobiles and pickup trucks: 1. Position someone near the back of the vehicle to guide movement, when available. 2. Sound the horn three short blasts in vehicles not equipped with backup alarms. 3. Stop if the person guiding the movement disappears from view. S-12.9 Parking When parking vehicles: 1. Place standard transmission in low gear with engine shut off. 2. Place automatic transmission in Park. 3. Remove the ignition key, close the windows, and lock the doors if leaving the parked vehicle unattended. EXCEPTION: You may leave the engine of an unattended vehicle running, in cold weather, if you have a second set of keys. 4. If parking on a grade, set the emergency brake and take other precautions to prevent the vehicle from rolling unexpectedly. S-12.9.1 Fouling Tracks or Roadways Except when necessary to perform duties, do not park vehicles or trailers where they foul tracks or roadways. If they do foul tracks or roadways, never leave them unattended without the proper protection. S-12.10 Work Under Vehicles or Trailers Do not sit or lie underneath vehicles or trailers, except when inspecting or repairing them, and then make sure that the: 1. Brakes are set. 2. Wheels are blocked. 3. Engine is stopped. 4. Proper support stands are in place. 5. Do not sit or lie under a raised vehicle or trailer supported only by a jack. S-12.11 Transporting Tools and Material Properly secure tools, equipment, material and freight. Do not transport hazardous materials, such as gasoline and solvents, in passenger compartments. Transport gasoline or other flammable material in a DOT-approved container. When transporting hazardous materials, follow federal and state placarding and shipping document regulations. S-12.12 Special Equipment Mounted on Vehicles or Trailers Only qualified personnel may operate special equipment, such as winches, cranes and hoists, mounted on vehicles or trailers. When operating vehicles with special equipment: 1. Inspect the equipment frequently. 2. Do not exceed load limits. 3. Make sure outriggers are in place. 4. Secure the equipment in the proper position before moving the vehicle. 5. Comply with the manufacturer’s instructions. S-12.13 Trailers S-12.13.1 Required Equipment Trailers must be equipped with: 1. Safety chains (except fifth-wheel or gooseneck trailers). 2. Required stop, tail, directional, and clearance lights. 3. Electrical connectors that are compatible in size and design with those on the designated towing vehicle. S-12.13.2 Inspection Before towing trailers, inspect equipment and material loaded on the trailer, and inspect the following to make sure they are operable: 1. Tires. 2. Brakes (if equipped). 3. Hitches and locking devices. 4. Safety chains (if equipped). 5. Electrical connections and lights. 6. If the vehicle and trailer hitch are not compatible in size and design, or if locking devices are defective, do not tow the trailer. S-12.14 Accidents/Incidents Promptly report traffic incidents, accidents, and vehicle damage, no matter how minor, to the proper manager. S-12.15 Instructions for Transporting ATD LINES or operating railroad TY&E Personnel These requirements shall apply when operating a vehicle both on and off ATD LINES or operating railroad property unless specifically stated otherwise. S-12.15.1 General 1. New Personnel must view the defensive driving and Operation Lifesaver videos before transporting any personnel. Within 60 days of accepting an assignment transporting personnel, must complete a state-certified defensive driving course and an Operation Lifesaver class. All personnel already transporting personnel groups must view the defensive driving and Operation Lifesaver videos immediately and attend a state-certified defensive driving course and an Operation Lifesaver class within 60 days. 2. Contact the State Highway Authority before departure if there is any possibility of inclement weather. If either the personnel or passengers feels that conditions may be unsafe for travel based on reported or actual weather conditions, they may immediately terminate the trip. Immediately notify the dispatcher and your supervisor if the trip is canceled or delayed. 3. All vehicles used to transport passengers shall be maintained in good repair, and shall be clean and in safe operating condition. S-12.15.2 Before Operating the Vehicle 1. Inspect the vehicle daily before leaving the parking area, using the Crew Hauler Vehicle Checklist. If any item is not satisfactory (NS), correct the problem immediately and note it in the comments section. If the problem cannot be corrected or protected, notify your supervisor and do not drive the vehicle. 2. Restock any missing safety equipment. S-12.15.3 Transporting Personnel 1. Park the vehicle in a secure and accessible location. Park off public roadways whenever possible. 2. Secure the vehicle against movement by placing the vehicle in park (low gear if it is a manual transmission), engaging the parking brake, and shutting down the engine. If vehicle is not parked in a designated loading zone or parking lot, activate the vehicle flashers and place high visibility devices (flares or reflective triangles) in front of and behind the vehicle. 3. Assist passengers with baggage as requested. Make sure baggage is securely stowed against movement in the designated storage area. 4. Conduct a personnel safety briefing. The briefing must include, at a minimum, the location of emergency equipment, the results of the vehicle inspection, the route of travel, expected weather/road conditions, and how to obtain emergency assistance. Ask if anyone is First Aid/CPR qualified. Remind passengers of the no-smoking policy. If provided, the Division Superintendent’s Personnel Safety Briefing audio cassette will be played to supplement the driver’s trip-specific job safety briefing. 5. Do not move the vehicle until all luggage is stowed, doors are closed and locked, passengers are seated, and seat belts are fastened, properly securing passengers in an upright position. S-12.15.4 Traveling 1. Request assistance to direct the vehicle movement when backing if visibility is limited. 2. Do not play loud music or engage in conversation that would be a distraction from driving. Do not eat or drink while the vehicle is moving. 3. During inclement weather: 1. Slow down. 2. Do not use the cruise control. 3. Apply traction devices as needed (for example, snow chains). If requested, or if in your opinion it is unsafe to proceed, pull off the road at a secure location until the weather clears sufficiently to drive. 4. Proceed directly to the destination without any other stops unless directed by the train dispatcher or other designated ATD LINES or operating railroad authority. 5. If any passenger removes any part of his or her seat belt or lies back, stop the vehicle until the seat belt is being worn correctly. 6. Crossings within yard facilities: Move at a speed that allows the vehicle to be stopped within 50 feet of and no closer than 15 feet (where possible) to the rail at any crossing. Listen and look in each direction for an approaching train or on-track equipment before proceeding over the crossing. Stop signs or other traffic control devices take precedence over these directions. Crossings outside yard facilities not equipped with automatic warning devices (lights, gates, bells or any combination thereof): Stop within 50 feet, but not less than 15 feet from the nearest rail. Look in both directions and listen for an approaching train or ontrack equipment before proceeding over the crossing. S-12.15.5 Personnel Group Hauling On-Duty Time The following shall apply to clerical employees required to haul crews: 1. Long Haul—Hauling employees from one city to another. Personnel will adhere to the ATD LINES or operating railroad policy prohibiting drivers from transporting railroad personnel at any time when: a. The driver has completed a total of ten (10) hours of driving since last obtaining eight (8) consecutive hours of off-duty time; or b. The driver’s combined on-duty and transport time hours equal fifteen (15) hours since last obtaining eight (8) consecutive hours of off-duty time; or c. The total number of hours of on-duty and transport time exceeds seventy (70) hours in any period of eight (8) consecutive days. d. Whenever one of these three restrictions has been met, the personnel must take a mandated eight (8) consecutive hours off-duty rest period. 2. In-Terminal—Hauling personnel within a city and driving on roads with posted speed limits below 55 mph. When hauling personnel in-terminal, the above ATD LINES or operating railroad policy shall not apply. 3. Combined Long Haul and In-Terminal—In calculating the total hours of on-duty and drive time as required for adherence to the ATD LINES or operating railroad Policy for Long Haul transport, both long haul and in-terminal on-duty and transport hours will be counted to determine whether a driver may be permitted to perform long haul service. When an personnel goes from long haul to in-terminal service, the on-duty and drive time will not apply. Personnel group Hauler Vehicle Checklist Vehicle ID No. ________ Mileage __________ Date & Time ____________________ Inspected by _________ Signature___________________________________________ Vehicle shall be inspected daily by personnel and inspection documented on this form. ALL ITEMS SHALL BE APPROPRIATELY MARKED (S, NS, or NA) FOR THIS INSPECTION TO BE COMPLETE. For any item marked NS, correct or protect the problem if possible and describe it and the action taken in "COMMENTS." If the problem cannot be corrected or protected, do not use the vehicle, and immediately notify your supervisor. This form is to be filed upon completion of the driver’s shift and retained for 12 months. __ Tire tread and inflation __ Mirrors and windows clean __ Clean and orderly __ Door handles and locks __ Windshield wipers and blades __ First Aid kit __ Trunk lock __ Dash gauges working __ Comm. equipment __ Spare tire (inflated) __ Fuel level __ Brakes __ Emergency road kit __ Battery __ Parking brakes __ Snow chains __ Engine temperature __ Horn __ Fluid levels (oil, etc.) __ Interior lights __ Back up alarm __ Head, tail and brake lights __ Air conditioning/heating __ Seat belts __ Turning signals __ Tools and jack __ Fire extinguisher __ Emergency flashers __ Traction devices __ Radio operational __ Baggage area (restraints) S = SATISFACTORY NS = NOT SATISFACTORY NA = NOT APPLICABLE Comments: ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ REMINDER: Always conduct a job safety briefing with passengers prior to departure. S-13.0 On or Near Tracks, Locomotives and Rail Cars S-13.1 General Requirements S-13.1.3 Tracks A. Crossing Tracks When crossing tracks: 1. Do not cross within 25 feet of the end of standing equipment. 2. Do not cross in front of approaching equipment, unless you are sufficiently ahead of the equipment to cross safely. 3. While within the limits of a designated mechanical facility, when crossing between standing equipment that is not under blue signal protection: Employee may cross within 25 feet of standing equipment, provided: 1. Speed limits for all equipment on the track is 5 MPH or less, and; 2. Check for movement is made prior to crossing track, and; 3. Distance is sufficient to allow safe passage should there be unexpected movement; 4. Designated walkways are used, when available. B. Stepping On Rails 1. Rails. 2. Frogs. 3. Switches. 4. Interlocking apparatus. 5. Connections. (Watch for conditions that could interfere with footing.) C. Fouling Track Do not walk between rails or foul the track, except when duties require and proper protection is provided. Use caution during bad weather and when visibility is impaired. S-13.1.4 Sitting or Standing Comply with these restrictions for sitting or standing on equipment or structures: 1. Do not sit on rails or track structures unless duties require. 2. Do not stand, sit, or walk on top of or on the sides of any open top car such as gondola, hopper, ballast, or air dump cars. 3. Do not sit on the steps of moving engines or cabooses. 4. Do not sit or lie underneath or lean against standing equipment unless duties require, and only when proper safeguards are provided, such as blue signal protection. 5. Do not stand or sit on engine or caboose handrails. S-13.8 Fusees and Torpedoes S-13.8.1 Storing Fusees and Torpedoes Store fusees and torpedoes as follows: 1. Store them in approved metal containers in motor vehicles and other designated equipment. 2. Store them in flagging kits or racks in engines and cabooses. 3. Do not leave them on floors, seats, or walkways. 4. Keep them away from high temperatures, open flames, combustibles, and locations where they may become wet. 5. Store them, when possible, in a locked compartment not intended for passenger occupancy where unauthorized persons cannot obtain them. 6. At fixed facilities, keep fusees and torpedoes in original shipping containers, and store in a flammable storage cabinet meeting NFPA standards. Do not store other flammable or nonflammable material in the same cabinet. Store the minimum amount needed, but no more than a 60-day supply. S-13.8.2 Disposing of Damaged Fusees and Torpedoes Do not use fusees and torpedoes that have been soaked in water, oil, or otherwise damaged. Dispose of them appropriately. S-15.0 Oxygen and Fuel Gas S-15.1 Storing Gas Cylinders Follow these requirements for storing gas cylinders: 1. Store oxygen, acetylene, and fuel gas cylinders with the valve end up. 2. When oxygen, acetylene, and fuel gas cylinders are not in use or when they are empty, close their valves tightly and put the protective cap in place. 3. Secure gas cylinders to protect them from damage. No more than three cylinders may be chained together. 4. Store gas cylinders in a well-ventilated area away from elevators, stairs, and gangways. 5. Separate oxygen cylinders from acetylene and other fuel gas cylinders as follows: 1. Separate them by at least 20 feet. 2. Separate them with a noncombustible barrier at least 5 feet high with a fire resistance rating of at least a 1/2 hour. Exception: This does not apply to cylinders in use or ready for immediate use. Secure these cylinders in suitable racks or cabinets on trucks or in fixed locations. 6. Store oxygen cylinders at least 20 feet away from flammable material, especially oil, grease, paint, or any substance that could cause or intensify a fire. Do not store, use in, or convey oxygen through a paint shop or any paint storehouse. 7. Do not store gas cylinders near heat sources such as furnaces or boilers. In locations with extreme temperatures, screen gas cylinders stored outdoors from the sun. 8. Store empty and full gas cylinders separately. Mark empty cylinders as EMPTY or MT. S-15.2 Testing for and Handling Leaks S-15.2.1 Testing for Leaks When testing for leaks, use soapy water with a nonfat base. Do not use an open flame. S-15.2.2 Handling Leaks If a welding gas cylinder is leaking: 1. Remove the cylinder to an open area away from possible ignition sources. 2. Allow the cylinder to drain completely. 3. Close the valve. 4. Tag the cylinder indicating the defect. 5. Return the cylinder to the supplier. S-15.3 Mixing Gases Do not mix gases in a cylinder or refill a cylinder. S-15.4 Handling and Transporting Gas Cylinders When handling or transporting gas cylinders: 1. Do not handle oxygen cylinders with oily or greasy hands or gloves. 2. Securely chain or clamp gas cylinders with valve ends up. 3. Valve protection caps, where cylinder is designed to accept a cap, shall always be in place, hand-tight, except when cylinders are in use or connected for use. 4. Do not remove or change numbers or marks stamped on gas cylinders. 5. Gas cylinders may be difficult to carry by hand because of their shape, smooth surface, and weight. Gas cylinders may be rolled on their bottom edge but never dragged. 6. Follow these lifting restrictions: a. Do not lift a compressed gas cylinder with an electromagnet. b. Do not lift a gas cylinder by its valve cap. c. When using a crane or derrick to lift a gas cylinder, secure it to the crane hook with a cylinder sling or place it in a cradle or suitable platform. 7. Contact the gas supplier when you are unsure of how to properly handle a compressed gas cylinder or its contents. When transporting compressed gas cylinders in a ATD LINES authorized vehicle on other than ATD LINES or operating railroad property: 1. Secure cylinders tightly with a chain, strap or equivalent device, and close cylinder valve. 2. Always secure cylinders in a closed compartment when available. Cylinders must not be placed or transported in a passenger-carrying compartment. S-15.5 Changing Gas Cylinders Before changing or disconnecting a gas cylinder, close the cylinder valve and individually drain hoses to remove any gas mixture. Do not open a cylinder valve unless the cylinder is secured. S-20.0 Work Environment S-20.1 Protection for Openings Keep covers on drop pits, manholes, or similar openings. When necessary to remove the covers, use the proper barricades or guard rails to protect the opening. Do not step or jump across pits, manholes, or similar openings. S-20.2 Clearances and Obstructions S-20.2.1 Overhead and Side Obstructions Do not contact overhead or side obstructions on or near the right of way. S-20.2.2 Communication/Signal Wires Do not touch broken or sagging communication and signal wires, power lines, and guy wires. Repair wires and power lines only if you are qualified to do so. Do not use metal or metal-reinforced tape near wires. S-20.3 Confined Space Consider all confined spaces hazardous unless proven otherwise. All personnel and subcontractors must have a permit before entering a permit-required confined space. S-20.4 Machine Operation Unauthorized personnel must not be on hoists, machines, or any shop machinery, or distract personnel operating such equipment. S-20.5 Office Environment S-20.5.1 Office Equipment Arrangement Arrange office equipment to keep aisles and emergency exits clear. S-20.5.2 Filing Cabinets and Desks Arrange contents of filing cabinets to balance the cabinet. Distribute contents throughout the cabinet rather than in the top drawer; place the heavier materials in the bottom drawer. Arrange the material neatly and keep the cabinet and desk drawers closed while unattended. Do not use the top of cabinets for storage. S-20.5.3 Chairs Do not scoot across floors or stand on chairs with casters. Keep all chair legs on the floor. S-20.5.4 Cords In walking areas, encase the telephone or electrical cords in cord protectors, or properly secure them. S-20.5.5 Paper Cutters Use paper cutters and other office equipment carefully, keeping body parts clear. Close and secure the paper cutter blade after use. S-20.5.6 Reaching Overhead Use a ladder or step stool to reach overhead objects. S-21.0 Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing (PPE) S-21.1 Personal Protective Equipment Requirements All ATD LINES personnel, contractors and agents, visitors, and vendors must wear the following equipment while on ATD LINES or operating railroad property: 1. Hard hats with minimum six-point suspension. Exception: If the hard hat currently being worn has fewer than six points of suspension, it may continue to be used until it is worn out or damaged. The replacement hard hat must have a minimum six-point suspension. 2. Safety glasses with permanently mounted side shields and authorized by ATD LINES. Authorized tints for safety glasses are: a. Rose #1 and #2 and Grey #1 indoors; b. Rose #1 and #2 and Grey #1, #2 and #3 outdoors. c. No other tinting is permitted. Mirror-like lenses and amber ("shooters") lenses are prohibited. 3. Safety boots. 4. Hearing protection (ear plugs/ear muffs) when entering designated hearing protection areas, while performing designated jobs/activities, or in situations where the noise requires you to raise your voice during normal conversation at a distance of 3 feet. 5. Hand protection when there is a risk of exposure to harmful substances, punctures, severe abrasions, lacerations or cuts, chemical or thermal burns, high voltage, vibration, temperature extremes, or infectious biological agents. 6. Enhanced-visibility work wear (reflective lime green, yellow, or orange) when working at derailment sites, grade crossings, on work trains, or at intermodal facilities. At intermodal facilities, checkpoint personnel must wear enhanced-visibility vests. Roadway Industry Personnel, when working on or near track, must wear at least one item of high-visibility, orange work wear. (At night, the work wear must be retro-reflective.) The following items meet high-visibility requirements: 1. radio waist belt/harness, 2. radio belt, 3. striping, 4. welding jacket, 5. hard cap/hat with reflective markings, 6. hard cap/hat with high visibility cover. Exceptions: 7. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is not required in offices, automobiles on paved surfaces, or passenger-carrying rail cars. a. Hard hats: Not required for Train, Yard, and Engine (TY&E) personnel except when performing work service with Maintenance of Way, at derailments, or as directed by supervisor. Not required in vehicles or equipment with overhead protection. b. Safety boots and safety glasses: Not required when excepted by contractual agreements. 8. Off Duty Use, personnel are encouraged to use ATD LINES protective equipment (PPE) off duty. Other Additional personal protective equipment, such as face shields, fall protection, welding jackets, etc., may be required by supervisors and/or as good safety practice warrants. See the PPE Chart for task-/ exposure-specific personal protective equipment requirements and recommendations. S-21.1.1 Approved Equipment ATD LINES personnel must use personal protective equipment approved by ATD LINES or operating roadroad. Replace and discard any PPE that no longer provides protection. Refer to the PPE Chart for requirements and recommendations. S-21.2 Personal Protective Clothing Requirements All ATD LINES personnel, contractors and their agents, visitors, and vendors, working in other than an office environment, must wear long pants and waist-length shirts with sleeves at all times. Clothing must not interfere with vision, hearing, or use of hands and feet. 1. Do not wear jewelry, wrist watches, finger rings, long watches or key chains, key rings, or other suspended jewelry when they present a hazard around machinery or electrical lines and equipment. 2. Hair must be secured out of the way if it could become entangled in machinery or obscure your vision. S-21.2.1 Special Protective Clothing Wear protective clothing when the potential for chemical or physical injury to the body exists. S-21.2.2 Safety Boots Safety boots must meet the following criteria: 1. Leather or leather-like upper. 2.Sturdy non-leather sole that will resist puncture. 3. 3/8- to 1-inch defined instep. 4. Rounded toe. 5. Above ankle (5-inch height as measured from inside boot). 6. Minimum ANSI Z41.1—75-pound (100 pounds in Canada) impact and compression class toe. 7. Chemical resistant. 8. Lace-up. S-21.2.3 Protective Gloves Wear protective gloves where the potential for chemical or physical injury to the hands exists. Use the PPE Chart and Work Glove Selection Guide to select the appropriate glove for the task. When selecting chemical-resistant gloves, check with your supervisor. S-21.3 Respirator Selection and Use Refer to the Respiratory Protection Chart to determine which task requires use of respirators. Your supervisor, safety manager, or the Industrial Hygiene group may specify additional tasks or activities not listed that require the use of respirators. For appropriate respirator selection, contact Industrial Hygiene. S-21.3.1 Respiratory Protection Program All ATD LINES personnel who use a respirator must comply with the practices and procedures outlined in the Respiratory Protection program. If you use a respirator, even if such use is voluntary, you must: 1. Be trained and fit-tested annually for the specific make and model of the respirator used. 2. Be medically qualified annually. 3. Be clean-shaven where the respirator seal meets the face. 4. Inspect your respirator prior to use. 5. Clean and properly store respirator following use. S-21.4 Dark Lens Eye Protection Except when welding or operating a torch, do not wear dark lens goggles or glasses at night or when working inside buildings/shops. Photo-grey or transition lenses are not to be worn by personnel operating mobile equipment from outdoor to indoor locations, or by personnel who perform similar tasks requiring critical activity or fast reaction to visual stimuli. S-21.5 Hearing Protection Wear hearing protection if you work in the following areas: 1. On a locomotive under load. Exception: When all doors and windows are closed, hearing protection is not required inside the control compartment of GE locomotives B40-8W, C40-8W, B40-8, and C44-9W, and EMD locomotives GP60M, SD60M, SD70M, and SD70MAC. 2. Within 100 feet of humping or retarder operations. 3. In a high-noise area required by posted notice or special instructions. 4. In an area where continuous noise requires you to raise your voice to be heard at a distance of 3 feet. Annual hearing conservation training and audio metric testing is mandatory for personnel required to wear hearing protection on the job. Regardless of noise exposure, you are encouraged to participate in the hearing conservation program. S-21.30 Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing Chart (PPE) S-23.0 Railroad Radio Rules S-23.1 Transmitting Personnel operating a radio must do the following: 1. Before transmitting, listen long enough to make sure the channel is not being used. 2. Give the required identification. 3. Not proceed with further transmission until acknowledgment is received. S-23.2 Required Identification Personnel transmitting or acknowledging a radio communication must begin with the required identification. The identification must include the following in this order: For base or wayside stations: 1. Name or initials of ATD LINES or operating railroad. 2. Name and location or other unique designation. For mobile units: 1. Name or initials of the railroad. 2. Train name (number), engine number, or words that identify the precise mobile unit. 3. If communication continues without interruption, repeat the identification every 15 minutes. Short Identification: After making a positive identification for switching, classification, and similar operations within a yard, fixed and mobile units may use a short identification after the initial transmission and acknowledgment. S-23.3 Repetition Personnel who receives a transmission must repeat it to the person transmitting the message, except when the communication: 1. Concerns switching operations. 2. Is a recorded message from an automatic alarm device. 3. Is general and does not contain any information, instruction, or advice that could affect the safety of a ATD LINES or operating railroad operation. S-23.4 Over Personnel transmitting must say, "Over" to personnel receiving the transmission when the communication is complete and a response is expected. S-23.5 Out Personnel transmitting must give the required identification and say, "Out" to the personnel receiving the transmission when the communication is complete and no response is expected. S-23.6 Communication Not Understood or Incomplete Personnel who does not understand a radio communication or who receives a communication that is incomplete must not act upon the communication and must treat it as if it was not sent. Exception: Personnel who receives information that may affect the safety of personnel or the public or cause damage to property must take the safe course. When necessary, stop movement until the communication is understood. S-23.7 Monitoring Radio Transmissions Radios in attended base stations or mobile units must be turned on to the appropriate channel with the volume loud enough to receive communications. Personnel attending base stations or mobile units must acknowledge all transmissions directed to the station or unit. S-23.8 Acknowledgment Personnel receiving a radio call must acknowledge the call immediately unless doing so would interfere with safety. S-23.9 Misuse of Radio Communications Personnel must not use radio communication to avoid complying with any rule. S-23.10 Emergency Calls Emergency calls will begin with the words "Emergency," "Emergency," "Emergency." These calls will be used only to cover initial reports of: 1.Derailments, 2. Collisions, 3. Storms, 4. Washouts, 5. Fires, 6. Track obstructions, 7. Property damage, 8. Injured to personnel or the public. Emergency calls must contain as much complete information on the incident as possible. All personnel must give absolute priority to an emergency communication. Unless they are answering or aiding the emergency call, personnel must not send any communication until they are certain no interference will result. When monitoring marine radios to allow water traffic to pass under or through railroad bridges, the words "Mayday" will be used by marine traffic for distress calls and "Pan-Pan" for urgency signals. Absolute priority is to be given over other communications when heard. S-23.11 Prohibited Transmissions Personnel must not transmit a false emergency or an unnecessary or unidentified communication. Personnel must not use indecent language over the radio. Personnel must not reveal the existence, contents, or meaning of any communication (except emergency communications) to non-personnel other than those it is intended for, or those whose duties may require knowing about it. S-23.12 Fixed Signal Information Personnel must not use the radio to give information to a train or engine personnel about the name, position, aspect, or indication displayed by a fixed signal, unless the information is given between ATD LINES personnel of the same personnel members or the information is needed to warn others of an emergency. S-23.13 In Place of Hand Signals When the radio is used instead of hand signals, information must include the direction and distance to be traveled. Movement must stop within half of the distance specified unless additional instructions are received. S-23.14 Transmitting Track Warrants and Track Bulletins When transmitted by radio, track warrants and track bulletins must be transmitted according to applicable operating rules and the following: 1. The train dispatcher must state that a track warrant or track bulletin will be transmitted. 2. Personnel must inform the train dispatcher when ready to copy. Personnel operating the controls of a moving engine may not copy track warrants or track bulletins. In addition, track warrants or track bulletins must not be transmitted to the crew of a moving train if the conductor, engineer, or train dispatcher feels that the transmission could adversely affect the safe operation of the train. Within ABS territory, when train is operating on a block signal indication requiring movement at restricted speed or prepared to stop short of next signal, the train must be stopped before a track warrant extending the existing main track authority is copied. 3. Personnel receiving track warrants or track bulletins must copy them in writing using the format outlined in the operating rules. S-23.15 Phonetic Alphabet If necessary, a phonetic alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc.) will be used to pronounce clearly any letter used as an initial, except initial letters ATD LINES or operating railroad. S-23.16 Assigned Frequencies ATD LINES or operating railroad must authorize any radio transmitters used in railroad industry service. Radio transmitters must operate on frequencies the Federal Communications Commission assigns ATD LINES or operating railroad. Personnel are prohibited from using other transmitters or frequencies not assigned to that particular territory. S-23.17 Radio Testing Personnel must test the radios at the beginning of each shift to verify that the radios are working. The radio test must include an exchange of voice transmissions with another radio. The test must confirm the quality of the radio’s transmission. S-23.18 Malfunctioning Radio Malfunctioning radios must not be used. As soon as possible, notify individual personnel and the train dispatcher or other affected personnel that the radio is not working. S-23.19 Blasting Operations Personnel must not operate radio transmitters located less than 250 feet from blasting operations. S-23.20 Internal Adjustments Personnel are prohibited from making internal adjustments to a radio unless they are specifically authorized by the FCC or hold a current Certified Technicians Certificate. Personnel authorized to make adjustments must carry their FCC operator license, Certified Technicians Certificate, or verification card while on duty. S-23.21 Mobile Radio Access System (MARS) MARS is a radio system. Personnel using theATD LINES MARS system must avoid using for private business, including: 1. Phone calls home. 2. Access to tape-recorded crew lineup information. S-25.0 Job Tools S-25.1 Task Safety Briefing All individual personnel involved in a task or railway operations. A two-way communication tool to ensure that every team personnel is alert and focused on the task, knows what is to be done, and knows how it will be accomplished. Personnel seeing a better way to do the task or are not confident about what will be doing, communicate about it. To ensure that the task is done right the first time: without injuries or damage, and meeting ATD LINES standards. When At the beginning of the job or at any time during the job as conditions change or new tasks are started. Where On the job, at the work site, in the locker room, or wherever the whole crew can get together. How The following elements are essential to any job safety briefing: 1. Statement of task. 2. Assignment of tasks and responsibilities. 3. Identification of existing and potential hazards. 4. Required tools, equipment, and materials. 5. Necessary safeguards and procedures. 6. Feedback and questions. When participating in a task safety briefing, be sure personnel leave the briefing knowing the answers to these questions: 1. What will be doing? 2. What is the plan of attack? 3. What are the hazards? 4. What safeguards must be used? 5. What do I do if a hazard emerges? 6. What special conditions should I watch for? 7. When should we stop and re-brief? Make room for special conditions: If the task is complex enough, brief it in portions. What portions work best? What changes in task conditions require a re-briefing? Follow up: Each individual personnel must check frequently to see that the job is proceeding according to the plan as discussed in the task safety briefing and that any hidden hazards are identified and addressed. How do we make sure everyone stays alert? S-25.2 Stretches Overview Check with your physician before beginning a new exercise program, or if you have had recent joint trouble, muscle problems, or surgery. 1. Don't bounce. 2. Keep the stretch mild and comfortable. 3. Relax muscles as you stretch. 4. BREATHE, don't hold your breath. 5. Hold your stretch until tension releases, and then go further into another mild stretch. 6. You should NEVER feel pain during or after a stretch. 7. Stretch before you work, before any physical exertion and periodically to relieve muscle tension. 8. A good rule of thumb is to stretch every 20 to 30 minutes. 9. Don't forget to stretch both sides of the body when stretching. 10. Tension for the initial stretch should release within 60 seconds. If it doesn't, reduce the intensity of the stretch slightly. Benefits 11. Increases range of motion, reducing risk of injury near joint limits. 12.Warms muscles, reduces internal friction, and "resets" discs prior to activity. 13. "Pre-fuels" muscles with oxygen before activity. 14. Helps muscles relax and reduces soreness after activity. Remind individuals that stretching is not a competition who can do the most or go the farthest. Personnel have different levels of flexibility, and we need to respect these differences in ourselves, allowing individuals to experience benefits at comfortable pace. It takes a whole life to reach the level of flexibility (or inflexibility), expect benefits to be gradual and stretch regularly over time. Remind personnel to check with physician if they have particular problems with stretching, and to do only what is comfortable in meantime. Back of Leg Put one foot forward, on heel. Bend back knee slightly. Bend forward at hips with straight back. Support upper body with hands and bent knee. Arch back slightly. Gently move butt straight back to put tension on the back of leg. Using chair for support, bend at the hips and keep the three natural curves of back. Continue to bend forward at the hips until mild tension in the muscles at the back of the leg. Front of Hip Place one foot forward. Keep feet parallel to each other. Do not arch back. Rotate butt under until feel mild tension in the front of hip of the straight leg. Upper Back Cup hands together in front. With elbows slightly bent, move cupped hands down. Move cupped hands away from body until feel mild tension. Forearm Slowly bend or extend wrist. Can do this either with or without a gentle pull from the opposite hand. Stretch until feel mild tension in the forearms. Shoulder and Arm Let your arms hang comfortably at your sides. Slowly rotate hand and arm outward until feel mild tension. Rotate arm and hand in the other direction until feel mild tension. Repeat 5 times. Tips for People Leading Stretches Explain that having a new stretching routine to start using. It is based on some of the stretches we have used before and has been updated to cover all the major body areas, using techniques that should be both convenient and effective. When leading group stretches, be sure no one is bouncing or using extreme twisting motions as they stretch.Be diplomatic and provide some corrective suggestions to individuals whom seem to be having trouble understanding or doing any of the stretches. Back of Neck Stretch up as tall as possible through the spine. Tuck chin into neck. Lower chin slightly until a mild stretch is felt. Hold until tension goes away. Side of Neck Stand or sit up with "Tall" posture. Tip ear toward shoulder. Hold mild stretch until tension goes away. Keep head tipped and rotate chin down towards shoulder. Hold until tension goes away. Lower chin towards shoulder. Hold until tension goes away. Chest Slowly round shoulders and arms forward and back. Do 5 to 10 times each. Hold mild stretch in either position until stretch releases (up to 60 seconds). Upper Arm and Lower Back Stand up tall, stretching rib cage away from hips. Stretch your elbow upwards. Hold your stretch until tension goes away. Bend SLIGHTLY to opposite side, if needed, to increase stretch. S-26.0 Policies S-26.1 Conflict of Interest No officers or personnel of ATD LINES may have private interests which might conflict or appear to conflict with the interests of ATD LINES, operating railroad, its affiliates,which might influence or appear to influence judgment in performing their duties. The outside activities and affairs of all officers and personnel should be conducted so as to avoid loss or embarrassment to ATD LINES and its affiliates. Personnel must not engage in another business or occupation that would create a conflict of interest with ATD LINES or would interfere with their availability for service or the proper performance tasks and duties. ATD LINES policy is designed to foster a standard of conduct which reflects ideals in the eyes of the public on ATD LINES, its officers, and its personnel, and which protects the reputation and financial well-being of ATD LINES. There is no intent to interfere with private interests or activities of officers and personnel. S-26.3 Medical Examinations ATD LINES Medical Department will determine when medical examinations are necessary, the content of such examinations, and requirements for participation. Personnel subject to these examinations must follow any and all requirements as issued. S-26.4 Sexual Harassment ATD LINES Personnel on duty or on operating railroad property must not sexually harass others. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical sexual conduct given under the following conditions: 1. An individual must submit to the conduct as a term or condition of employment. 2. If individual(s) submits to or rejects the conduct, that action is used to influence decisions affecting ATD LINES Personnel. 3. The conduct interferes with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. Personnel they have been sexually harassed must contact ATD LINES Security or local Personnel relations or Corporate Personnel Relations. S-26.6 Smoking It is ATD LINES policy to completely prohibit smoking on all enclosed properties by personnel, customers, vendors, and guests. Outdoor smoking should not interfere with non-smokers’ rights to clean air as they enter and leave buildings. 1. "Smoking" will mean inhaling, exhaling, carrying, or burning any lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette, or other item which emits smoke. 2. "Enclosed property’ will mean all ATD LINES owned or leased office space or buildings, shops, automobiles, rail or work equipment vehicles, locomotives, cabooses, and all other railroad rolling stock. 3. "Personnel" will mean all exempt and scheduled personnel and other persons working for ATD LINES as consultants, private contractors, temporary personnel, or in similar capacities. S-26.7 Telecommunication Usage Objective: The objective of this policy statement is to provide guidance in the efficient and effective use of ATD LINES telecommunications systems. Scope: This policy applies to all users of ATD LINES telecommunications, including, but not limited to: 1. Network, 2. Cellular phones, 3. 800 service, 4. Telephone calling cards, 5. Facsimile transmissions. 6. Satellite. 7. WFI. 8. Miro-Wave. 9. Marine Radio. 10. Other. 11. Contractors are considered "users" within the context of this document. Policy: General: In order to meet the needs of ATD LINES customers and minimize expense, use of telecommunications services should be restricted to business communications. Private use should be limited to necessary and urgent matters. ATD LINES Telecommunications must arrange for all telephone, pager, and cellular services and other equipment at all ATD LINES locations, as well as designate the desired providers of services and equipment. It is individual personnel responsibility to become familiar with the various features of the ATD LINES telephone system, and acquire the necessary skills to obtain maximum benefit from the telephone features in the execution of performance of tasks. It is also the responsibility of each user to utilize the most cost-effective service available. Telecommunications must make appropriate training and documentation available to the user community to facilitate the efficient and cost-effective use of the system features. It is the responsibility of each department to establish usage expectations and guidelines within their respective departments, as well as to monitor compliance with the guidelines. This should include monthly self-assessment within the department by evaluating reports provided by telecommunications and/or service vendors. Telecommunications must provide department heads with summary reports and access to detailed information to assist them in governing the utilization of services. Each user is responsible for the reimbursement of charges associated with the private or non authorized use of ATD LINES telecommunications facilities and services. The method of reimbursement must be addressed in instructions accompanying detailed statements of charges. It is the responsibility of each department to monitor compliance with the reimbursement provisions of policy. Each user is responsible for the security of the telecommunications equipment, calling cards, and passwords provided for use. The loss of any such item should be reported to Telecommunications immediately. Misuse of ATD LINES telecommunications system or services may result, without limitation, in termination of employment, suspension, or other disciplinary action. Public Telephone Network and Long Distance Service: ATD LINES telephone network must be used whenever possible for intra-communications. The public telephone network should be used only when a location is not accessible through ATD LINES network. Calls placed through the public network are to be dialed direct. Operator assistance must be avoided whenever possible. Directory Assistance should be used only when a listing is not available from a published directory or such a directory is not available. Calls to "pay-per-call services" (1-900, 976-, etc.) and 1-800 calls that are charged back must not be made. 800 Telecommunication Service "Development": ATD LINES various 800 numbers, while provided at no cost to clients or consumers of ATD LINES Services, are paid for by ATD LINES. Therefore, Personnel use of 800 numbers must not be used for inter-business communication, transmissions can be placed using ATD LINES network. Furthermore, local telephone numbers should be used rather than 800 numbers whenever possible. Users provided with 800 numbers to access ATD LINES network should use this service only from locations where local access to the network is not available. Cellular Phones: All cellular phones provided by ATD LINES must be obtained through ATD LINES Telecommunications, subsequent to written department approval. Any transfer or reassignment of cellular equipment must be handled through ATD LINES Telecommunications. Departments or Divisions must review the detailed statement of charges for cellular service on a monthly basis, and take action to report billing errors, unauthorized usage, and further seek to reduce service costs by optimizing use, considering business needs. Telephone Calling Cards: Telecommunications will issue telephone calling cards to personnel, subsequent to written department head approval. Each user must review the detailed statement of calling card charges on a monthly basis and take action to report billing errors and unauthorized use to Telecommunications. Facsimile Machines: Facsimile transmissions will utilize the ATD LINES network whenever possible. Programmable facsimile machines must be programmed with ATD LINES network numbers to maximize the economy of the network. Telephones associated with facsimile machines must be used only for fax-related purposes. Modems: Modems will utilize ATD LINES network whenever possible. Modem communication software must be programmed with ATD LINES network numbers to maximize the economy of the network. Telephones associated with modems must be used only for data communications-related purposes. International Equipment: Devices not provided by ATD LINES Telecommunications must not be connected to any network location without first consulting withATD LINES International Telecommunications Services. Electronic Voice Messaging: A separate policy governing the use of the Electronic Voice Mail system is available from ATD LINES Telecommunications. The Voice Mail system must be used for business purposes directly related to ATD LINES. Each user is responsible for maintaining Voice Mail security by utilizing a unique and confidential password. Users must not attempt to gain access to mailboxes for which they are not authorized. Pagers: All pagers provided by ATD LINES must be obtained through ATD LINES Telecommunications, subsequent to written department approval. Any transfer or reassignment of pagers must be handled through ATD LINES Telecommunications. Audio and Video Teleconferencing: Audio and Video Teleconferencing are available and may be used to enhance business reflectiveness and client services. The use of these services must be arranged for by ATD LINES Telecommunications. S-26.8 Complete and Accurate Reporting All Accidents, Incidents, Injuries,and Occupational Illnesses Arising from the Operation of ATD LINES is committed to complete and accurate reporting of all accidents, incidents, injuries, and occupational illnesses arising from ATD LINES operation. 1. Harassment or intimidation of any person that is calculated to discourage or prevent personnel from receiving proper medical treatment, reporting an accident, incident, injury, or illness will not be permitted or tolerated. 2. ATD LINES requires all personnel to take a responsible, safe approach to task and duties in safeguarding clients, public, operating railroads and corporate trust. Steps taken to enhance a sense of responsibility for safe personnel practices, including training, coaching, and counseling individuals engaged in unsafe practices or rules violations, (is not a violation of Internal Control Policy/ICP). Further, holding personnel accountable, through a reasonable discipline program, for rules violations reinforces the serious nature of actions. Good faith assessment of discipline, in compliance with ATD LINES "Policy for Personnel Performance Accountability," does not violate ICP. ATD LINES Labor Relations Team should be contacted about the application of ATD LINES "Policy for Personnel Performance Accountability." ATD LINES Safety Rules require timely reporting of all injuries and incidents. Every personnel has an absolute right and obligation to report injuries and incidents to the appropriate ATD LINES authority. At no time shall any personnel be subjected to harassment or intimidation to discourage or prevented from receiving proper medical treatment or reporting an accident, incident, injury or illness. Reporting determinations are the sole purview of the ATD LINES Director of Reporting and Analysis. Personnel subjected of harassment or intimidation in violation of the Corporate reporting policies is encouraged to use ATD LINES Internal Complaint Resolution Procedure without fear of harassment or reprisal. Personnel who report violations of policy will not be subject to harassment or reprisal for making the report. Officers of ATD LINES hold a position of trust with respect to the execution of duties to appropriately apply all policies. Violation of that trust will be viewed as a serious breach of trust and, if allegations are sustained through the Resolution Procedure, will constitute cause for significant penalty and possible dismissal. S-26.9 Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Program ATD LINES commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action is shaped by a philosophy to treat individuals with respect and dignity; maintain an atmosphere free from harassment in which individual personnel can contribute to the maximum potential; and foster an Equal Employment Opportunity environment. ATD LINES Affirmative Action Programs protect all individuals, including Minority and Female Business Enterprises, specified by orders and regulations and are based on applicable laws, regulations and Executive Orders prohibiting employment discrimination. All employment decisions and personnel actions including those related to hiring, compensation, benefits, promotions, transfers, layoffs, recall from layoffs, termination’s, ATD LINES sponsored training, education, tuition assistance, and social and recreational programs shall be administered in accordance with the principle of equal employment opportunity and made solely on the basis of job-related criteria without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual preference, disability, or veteran status. ATD LINES actively participate in implementing our Affirmative Action Policy and Program. All job applicants and personnel need and desire an equal opportunity to demonstrate qualifications for employment or advancement. ATD LINES, qualified minorities and females will be afforded these opportunities whenever they exist. If there is ever any indication of non-support of policy or failure to implement our Affirmative Action Policies, appropriate management personnel will intervene and initiate measures to correct any procedure or decision that is not in compliance with the purpose and spirit of Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Program. ATD LINES Senior Vice President, Employee Relations, is designated as the Corporate EEO Compliance Executive. It is the responsibility of each Division Superintendent and Departmental Vice President to undertake all aspects of our Affirmative Action Programs are implemented within respective divisions and departments throughout ATD LINES. Signed by Louis C.H Alloin President and Chief Executive Officer S-26.10 Vietnam Era Veterans and Disabled Veterans Policy ATD LINES commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action is shaped by a philosophy to treat individuals with respect and dignity; maintain an atmosphere free from harassment in which individual personnel can contribute to the maximum potential; and foster an Equal Employment Opportunity work environment. ATD LINES Affirmative Action Programs are based on applicable laws, regulations, and Executive Orders prohibiting employment discrimination. One facet of ATD LINES Affirmative Action Program focuses on concerns and commitment for the qualified Vietnam Era or current conflicts veteran's or disabled veteran personnel or applicant. All employment decisions and personnel actions including those related to hiring, compensation, benefits, promotions, transfers, layoffs, recall from layoffs, termination’s, ATD LINES sponsored training, education, tuition assistance, and social and recreational programs shall be administered in accordance with the principle of equal employment opportunity and made solely on the basis of task-related criteria without regard to status. ATD LINES actively participate and work to implement our Affirmative Action Policy and Program. All executives, managers and supervisors should understand leadership and responsibility in adhering to Equal Employment Opportunity objectives. All individuals need and desire an equal opportunity to demonstrate qualifications for employment and advancement. ATD LINES qualified Vietnam Era and current conflict veterans and disabled veterans will be afforded these opportunities. Reasonable accommodations will be made or such changes as neccessary. If there is ever any indication of non-support of this policy or failure to implement Affirmative Action Policies, appropriate management personnel will personally intervene and initiate measures to correct any procedure or decision that is not in compliance with the purpose and spirit of the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Program. ATD LINES Senior Vice President, Employee Relations, is designated as the Corporate EEO Compliance Executive. It is the responsibility of each Division Superintendent and Departmental Vice President undertake all aspects of Affirmative Action Programs are implemented within respective divisions and departments throughout ATD LINES. Signed by Louis C.H Alloin President and Chief Executive Officer S-26.11 Qualified Disabled Individuals Policy ATD LINES commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action is shaped by a philosophy to treat individuals with respect and dignity; maintain an atmosphere free from harassment in which individual personnel can contribute to the maximum potential; and foster an Equal Employment Opportunity work environment. ATD LINES Affirmative Action Programs are based on applicable laws, regulations, and Executive Orders prohibiting employment discrimination. One facet of Affirmative Action Program focuses on concerns and commitment for the qualified disabled personnel or applicant. All employment decisions and Human Resources actions including those related to hiring, compensation, benefits, promotions, transfers, layoffs, recall from layoffs, termination’s, ATD LINES sponsored training, education, tuition assistance, and social and recreational programs shall be administered in accordance with the principle of equal employment opportunity and made solely on the basis of task related criteria without regard to disability status. ATD LINES participate to strive toward implement Affirmative Action Policy and Program. All executives, managers and supervisors should understand leadership and responsibility in adhering to Equal Employment Opportunity objectives and goals. All individuals need and desire an equal opportunity to demonstrate qualifications for employment and advancement. ATD LINES, qualified disabled individuals will be afforded these opportunities. Reasonable accommodations will be made or changes as neccessary. Any indication of non-support of policy or failure to implement Affirmative Action Policies, appropriate management personnel will intervene and initiate measures to correct any procedure or decision that is not in compliance with the purpose and spirit of Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Program. ATD LINES Senior Vice President, Employee Relations, is designated as the Corporate EEO Compliance Executive. It is the responsibility of each Division Superintendent and Departmental Vice President to undertake all aspects of our Affirmative Action Programs are implemented within their respective divisions and departments throughout ATD LINES. Signed by Louis C.H Alloin President and Chief Executive Officer S-27.0 Programs To learn more about when and where you can get involved in these programs, contact your supervisor or safety manager. S-27.1 Asbestos Control The Asbestos Control program provides the safe handling and eventual elimination of "asbestos containing material/ACM" at ATD LINES facility or properties. Its elements include the identification and labeling of existing ACM, training, error-monitoring, use of specific task practices, use of the necessary equipment and materials, material substitutions using less hazardous materials, and the use of experienced ACM removal contractors. S-27.2 Back Conservation The Back (Spine) Conservation program fosters a healthy lifestyle for ATD LINES personnel 24 Hours. BC program’s training component promotes an understanding of how the Spine and nutrition, rest, activity, and conditioning contribute to a pain-free Spine. The program’s quality-improvement component continually seeks, studies, and acts upon recommendations for modifications of work practices and equipment. S-27.3 Blood-borne Pathogens Exposure Control The Blood-borne Pathogens Exposure Control program provides information, training, equipment, safe practices, and immunizations necessary to minimize exposure and subsequent ill effects. The intended audience is ATD LINES personnel who, by the nature of transportation industry, have reasonable potential of skin, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials. S-27.4 Confined Space ATD LINES Confined Space program guides personnel who are involved in confined space activities. Confined spaces include, but are not limited to: 1. sewers, 2. tanks, 3. underground utility vaults, 4. covered hopper cars, 5. pits and excavations. The program’s safe practices and training include criteria for identifying and classifying confined spaces, the hazards of confined space work, the precautions to be taken when entering or occupying a confined space, and the maintenance and use of the instruments and equipment used to safely perform confined space work. Personnel who perform confined space-related activities must maintain current status in Confined Space training. S-27.5 Electrical Safety The Electrical Safety program was developed for ATD LINES personnel who work with or around electrical powered equipment or energized systems, but who are not electricians. Program content includes the fundamentals of electricity and how it affects the human body, hazardous locations, methods for preventing electrical shock, electrical safety issues specific to various facilities, and emergency procedures in case of electrical shock. S-27.6 Exposure Assessment Periodic personnel exposure assessments are conducted by Industrial Hygiene to evaluate individuals personnel exposures to chemical, physical, or biological agents. These assessments are performed to determine if new materials or a change in tools or work practices increases health or safety risks. These assessments also keep personnel informed about and alert to safety and health in their work environment. S-27.8 Forklift Safety The Forklift Safety program stresses safety in the performance of material-handling duties, and it introduces new personnel to the history and operations of material-handling equipment. The training illustrates safe operational practices as well as some of the special techniques required to maneuver and operate in a warehouse or similar environment. Special effort is made to make operators aware of the extra alertness required when operating material-handling equipment around personnel on foot and to avoid collisions with other material-handling equipment and other hazards that might be encountered. S-27.9 Hazard Communication The Hazard Communication program teaches ATD LINES personnel to recognize chemical hazards found at industrial sites and at home, to know the labeling requirements for containers holding chemicals and the precautionary measures they can take to avoid injury and illness. Personnel also learn how to obtain and read a "Material Safety Data Sheet/MSDS" which details health and safety information on chemical substances. The program includes formal training, a written policy, access to MSDS in the workplace, and container labeling. S-27.10 Hazardous Materials Training In accordance with Subpart H, Part 172 of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, hazardous materials personnel must receive appropriate training every two years. Hazardous materials personnel are those individuals who have task functions that can either affect or be affected by the transportation of hazardous materials. Those personnel who are affected by the transportation of hazardous materials must receive awareness and safety training. Those personnel who handle and transport hazardous materials must receive function-specific training in addition to awareness and safety training. personnel must receive the training within 90 days after active duty. S-27.11 Hearing Conservation The Hearing Conservation program focuses on the prevention of hearing loss that could be caused by noise both on and off active duty. This program has four parts: 1. Identification and assessment of on-the-job noise exposure, 2. Educational sessions on the causes of hearing loss and precautionary measures, 3. Annual audio metric evaluations, 4. Implementation of noise control and hearing protection measures. S-27.13 Lock-out/Tag-out (LOTO) The LOTO program was developed to protect ATD LINES personnel from possible injury caused by sudden movement, startup, or release of energy in equipment, machinery, or systems during servicing, maintenance, or calibration. The program features ATD LINES LOTO practice, which defines requirements and helps participants develop their sight-specific Hazardous Energy Control Plan/HECP. Contact Safety Manager to obtain a copy of HECP. S-27.14 Personnel Performance Accountability ATD LINES Policy for Personnel Performance Accountability replaces the Progressive Discipline Policy, Progressive Intervention, and other current discipline programs. The Policy goal and objectives is to eliminate all rule violations through coaching, counseling, and training. The policy applies to all operating and non operating scheduled personnel, as well as personnel in Accounting, Customer Service and Support, and Information Services. Under this policy, most rule violations will be addressed according to standard practices that reflect personnel record and the nature of the rule violation. Personnel are encourage to participate in training or counseling programs, as alternative to suspension. Strict limits are placed on the amount of discipline that may be issued at each level. Supervisors must consult with the Manager of Discipline before issuing any substantial discipline. Dismissal cases are subject to review by a board of senior management representatives. Personnel feedback about the Policy for Personnel Performance Accountability andparticipationn in quality assurance are encouraged. S-27.15 Respiratory Protection The Respiratory Protection program was developed for ATD LINES to prevent inhalation of airborne contaminants which could cause irritation, respiratory problems, or other illness. The program offers a selection of respiratory protection devices and provides training on each device’s effective use, limitations, and maintenance. Fit testing is provided for all devices to verify adequate seals for particular devices. Individuals required to wear respiratory protection are also evaluated medically to verify physical fitness to use a respirator. S-27.16 Safety Risk Evaluation Safety Risk Evaluation is a continuous safety improvement program whose goal is to assure understanding of and commitment to safe personnel practices by all ATD LINES. Designed for use in safety notices, briefings and meetings, the program presents key performance criteria on various subjects related to major craft activities. Safety Risk Evaluation can also be used in a standard training setting. Interaction among participants essential to program success. The Safety Risk Evaluation manual is available from your supervisor. S-27.17 Temperature Extremes ATD LINES Heat Stress Prevention Program is an awareness program that outlines environmental condition, symptoms, and prevention methods of heat-related illnesses, such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat fainting. S-28.0 General Responsibilities S-28.1 Safety Safety is the most important element in performing duties. Obeying the rules is essential to personnel safety and continued employment. S-28.1.1 Maintaining a Safe Course In case of doubt or uncertainty, take the safe course. S-28.1.2 Alert and Attentive Personnel must be careful to prevent injuring themselves or others. They must be alert and attentive when performing task and duties and plan activities to avoid injury. S-28.1.3 Accidents, Injuries, and Defects Report by the first means of available methods of communication any accidents; personal injuries; defects in tracks, bridges, or signals; or any unusual condition that may affect the safe and efficient operation of ATD LINES and operating railroads. Where required, furnish a written report promptly after reporting the incident. S-28.1.4 Condition of Equipment and Tools Personnel must check the condition of equipment and tools used to perform task and duties. Personnel must not use defective equipment or tools until repair and safe to use. Personnel must report any defects to the proper authority. S-28.1.5 Inspection After Derailment After derailed equipment has been re railed, personnel and operating railroad must check the condition of the track and ATD LINES Equipment to ensure that it is safe to proceed. S-28.2 Personal Injuries and Accidents S-28.2.1 Care for Injured When passengers or personnel are injured, do everything possible to care for them. S-28.2.2 Witnesses If equipment is involved in personal injury, loss of life, or damage to property, personnel in charge must immediately secure the names, addresses, and occupations of all persons involved, including all individuals at the scene when the accident occurred and personnel that arrived soon after. Personnel in charge must secure the names regardless of whether these persons admit knowing anything about the accident. Personnel in charge must also obtain the license numbers of nearby automobiles. Personnel not directly involved many be assigned to investigate, can assist in obtaining this information, which must be included in reports covering the incident. Where signaling devices are provided or a flag man is on duty, the Personnel in charge and assisting ATD LINES Personnel must try to determine who, among the witnesses, can testify whether the signaling devices were functioning properly or if the flag mann was performing duties properly. When possible, obtain the names of witnesses who can testify about the bell and whistle signals. S-28.2.3 Equipment Inspection If an accident results in injury or death, all tools, machinery, and other equipment involved, including the accident site, must be inspected promptly by the foreman, another personnel with authority for investigations, or other competent inspectors. The inspector must promptly forward to his manager a report of the inspection. The report must include the condition of the equipment and individual personnel making the inspection. Personnel in charge must secure and maintain custody of the equipment involved, until the Claims Department is contacted and determines disposition. S-28.2.4 Mechanical Inspection When engines, cars, or other equipment are involved in an accident that results in injury or death, the equipment must be inspected before it leaves the accident site. A mechanical department personnel must further inspect the equipment at the first terminal. Personnel must promptly report inspection results to the proper manager. S-28.2.5 Reporting A. Injuries to Employees All cases of injury, while on duty or ATD LINES or operating railroad property, must be immediately reported to the proper manager and the prescribed form completed. If after the initial report of an injury, personnel seek medical attention for a work-related injury, they must contact the appropriate supervisor and update medical status. Injury that occurs while off duty that will in any way affect personnel performance of duties must be reported to the proper manager as soon as possible. The injured personnel must also complete the prescribed written form before returning to service. B. Injuries to Non-Personnel All injuries to non-employees (passengers, trespassers, etc.) on company property that do not result from an on-track equipment accident must be immediately reported to the proper manager and the prescribed form completed. C. Personnel with Information Concerning Injuries Personnel with information concerning an accident or injury to themselves, another personnel, or a non-personnel must immediately report the information to the proper manager and complete the prescribed form. D. On-Track Equipment Accidents All accidents (collisions, derailments, rail-highway grade crossing accidents, etc.) involving on-track equipment must be immediately reported to the proper manager and the prescribed form completed. E. Other Accidents Involving Damage or Loss All other accidents (theft, vandalism, company vehicle accidents, fires, etc.) involving damage or property loss that do not result from on-track equipment accidents must be immediately reported to the proper manager and the prescribed form completed. S-28.2.6 Statements Except when authorized by the proper manager: 1. Information concerning accidents or injuries that occur to persons other than personnel may be given only to an authorized representative of ATD LINES, operating railroad or an officer of the law. 2. Information about the facts concerning the injury or death of an employee may be given only to the injured personnel, an immediate relative of the injured or deceased personnel, an authorized representative of the railroad, or an officer of the law. 3. Information in the files or in other privileged or confidential reports of the railroad concerning accidents or personal injuries may only be given only to an authorized representative of the railroad. S-28.2.7 Furnishing Information Personnel must not withhold information, or fail to give all the facts to those authorized to receive information regarding unusual events, accidents, injuries, or rule violations. S-28.3 Rules S-28.3.1 Rules, Regulations, and Instructions 1. Safety Rules. Personnel must have a copy of, be familiar with, and comply with all safety rules issued in a separate book or in another form. 2. General Code of Operating Rules. Personnel governed by these rules must have a current copy they can refer to while on duty. 3. Hazardous Materials. Personnel who in any way handle hazardous materials must have a copy of the instructions or regulations for handling these materials. Personnel must be familiar with and comply with these instructions or regulations. 4. Air Brakes. Personnel whose duties are affected by air brake operation must have a copy of the rules and instructions for operating air brakes and train handling. Personnel must know and obey these rules and instructions. 5. Timetable/Special Instructions. Personnel whose duties are affected by the timetable/special instructions must have a current copy they can refer to while on duty. 6. Train Dispatchers and Control Operators. Personnel Train dispatchers and control operators must have a copy of the rules and instructions for train dispatchers and control operators. They must be familiar with and obey those rules and instructions. 7. Training. Personnel must be familiar with and obey all rules, regulations, and instructions and must attend required training. They must pass the required examinations. Explanation. Personnel must request assistance supervisor for an explanation of any rule,regulation, or instruction that are not clear for mutual understanding. S-28.4 Carrying Out Rules and Reporting Violations Personnel must cooperate and assist in carrying out the rules and instructions. They must promptly report any violations to the proper supervisor. They must also report any condition or practice that may threaten the safety of trains, passengers, or personnel, and any misconduct or negligence that may affect the interest of ATD LINES or operating railroad. S-28.5 Drugs and Alcohol The use or possession of alcoholic beverages while on duty or ATD LINES or operating railroad property is prohibited. Personnel must not have any measurable alcohol in breath or in bodily fluids when reporting for duty, while on duty, or while onATD LINES or operating railroad property. The use or possession of intoxicants, over-the-counter or prescription drugs, narcotics, controlled substances, or medication that may adversely affect safe performance is prohibited while on duty or ATD LINES or operatingrailroadd property, except medication that is permitted by a medical practitioner and used as prescribed. Personnel must not have any prohibited substances in bodily fluids when reporting for duty, while on duty, while on ATD LINES or operatingrailroadd property. S-28.6 Conduct Personnel must not be: 1. Careless of the safety of themselves or others. 2. Negligent. 3. Insubordinate. 4. Dishonest. 5. Immoral. 6. Quarrelsome. 7. Discourteous. S-28.6.1 Suitable Language Personnel on duty must refrain from using boisterous, profane, sexist, or vulgar language. S-28.7 Altercations Personnel must not enter into altercations with other personnel, play practical jokes wrestle while on duty or on ATD LINES or operating railroad railroad property. S-28.8 Appearance Personnel reporting for duty must be clean and neat. Wearing prescribed uniform when required. S-28.9 Respecting ATD LINES and Operating Railroads Personnel must behave in such a way that the railroad industry will not be criticized for personnel actions. S-28.10 Games, Reading, or Electronic Devices Unless permitted by the railroad industry, personnel on duty, must not: 1.Play games. 2. Read magazines, newspapers, or other literature not related to their duties. 3. Use electronic devices not related to their duties. S-28.11 Sleeping Personnel must not sleep while on duty. Personnel reclined with eyes closed will be in violation of rule. S-28.12 Weapons While on ATD LINES duty or on operating railroad property, personnel must not have firearms or other deadly weapons, including knives with a blade longer than 3 inches. Personnel may possess these weapons only if they are authorized to use them to perform of official duties, or if they are given special permission by the designated manager. S-28.13 Reporting and Complying with Instructions Personnel will report to and comply with instructions from supervisors who have the proper jurisdiction. Personnel will comply with instructions issued by managers of various departments when the instructions apply to official duties. S-28.14 Duty—Reporting or Absence Personnel must report for duty at the designated time and place with the necessary equipment to perform their duties. They must spend their time on duty working only for the railroad. Personnel must not leave assignment, exchange duties, or allow others to fill assignment without proper authority. Personnel must not be absent from duty without proper authority. Except for a scheduled vacation period, authorized absence in excess of ten (10) calendar days must be authorized by formal leave of absence, unless current agreement differs. S-28.15 Subject to Call Personnel subject to call must indicate where they can be reached and must not be absent from their calling place without notifying those required to call them. S-28.16 Hours of Service Law Personnel must be familiar and comply with the requirements of the federal hours of service law. Personnel are expected to use off-duty time to refresh and prepared for work. If an personnel is called to report for duty before legal off-duty time has expired, before accepting the call to work, the personnel must notify the individual making the call that off-duty time has not expired. A. Notification: When communication is available, personnel must notify the train dispatcher or another authority of the time the law requires them to be off duty. Personnel must provide notification early enough that they may be relieved, or transportation provided, before they exceed the hours of service. B. Exceeding the Law: Personnel must not exceed the hours of service law without proper authority. However, they must not leave trains, engines, or cars on the main track without proper protection. Personnel must secure trains properly and, if possible, before they exceed the hours of service. Except as provided by this paragraph, employees are then relieved of all duties. S-28.17 Unauthorized Duty Assignment Personnel must not engage in another business or occupation that would create a conflict of interest with duties at ATD LINES or would interfere with availability for service or the proper performance of duties. S-28.18 Care of Property Personnel are responsible for properly using and caring for ATD LINES or operating railroad property. Personnel must return the property when the proper authority requests them to do so. Personnel must not use ATD LINES or operating railroad property for private use. S-28.18.1 ATD LINES Vehicles Personnel of ATD LINES vehicles must: 1. Unless authorized, must not use ATD LINES vehicles for private business or for commuting to or from residence. 2. Not install or carry radio receivers or other accessories or appliances in ATD LINES vehicle without the proper authority. S-28.19 Alert to Train Movement Personnel must expect the movement of trains, engines, cars, or other movable equipment at any time, on any track, and in either direction. Personnel must not stand on the track in front of an approaching engine, car, or other moving equipment. Personnel must be aware of location of structures or obstructions where clearances are close. S-28.20 Occupying Roof Personnel whose duties require them to occupy the roof of a car or engine must do so only with proper authority and when the equipment is standing. S-28.21 Not Permitted on Equipment Unauthorized personnel must not be permitted on equipment. S-28.21.1 Unauthorized Personnel Any personnel observing unauthorized personel or reasonable belies that suspious activities, possible criminal, terrorist, activities not railroad related, damage to railway operation is occurring, or malious activities on ATD LINES or operating railroad property, personnel should notify the ATD LINES Security or operating railroad police or ATD LINES supervisor. S-28.22 Altering Equipment Personnel without authority must not alter, nullify, change the design of, or in any manner restrict or interfere with the normal function of any device or equipment on engines, cars, or other railroad property, except in the case of an emergency. Personnel must report to the proper supervisor changes made in an emergency. S-28.23 Clean Property ATD LINES and operating railroad property must be kept in a clean, orderly, and safe condition. ATD LINES buildings, facilities, or equipment must not be damaged or defaced. Only information authorized by the proper manager or required by law may be posted on railroad property. S-28.23.1 Avoid Littering Do not throw articles from any of the following: 1. Locomotives. 2. Cars. 3. Moving equipment. 4. AYD LINES motor vehicles. 5. Doors and windows of buildings. S-28.24 Credit or Property Personnel must not use the ATD LINES credit and must not receive payments or pay out money on ATD LINES account, without official authorization. Personnel must not sell or depose ATD LINES property without proper authority. Personnel must care for all articles of value found on ATD LINES or operating railroad property and promptly report the articles to the proper authority. S-28.24.1 Proper Use of Postage Personnel may not use ATD LINES international or national postage for private mail. S-28.25 Gratuities Personnel must not discriminate among railroad industry clients or customers.Personnel must not accept gifts or rewards from clients, customers, suppliers, or contractors of the railroad industry or corporation doing business with ATD LINES unless authorized by the proper manager. S-28.26 Divulging Information Personnel who make up, handle, or care for any of the following ATD LINES Documents, papers and etc. must not allow an unauthorized personnel or non-personnel to access them or disclose any information contained in them: 1. Correspondence. 2. Reports. 3. Books. 4. Bills of Lading. 5. Waybills. 6. Tickets. 7. Statistics. 8. Electronic mail. 9. Any document marked as "Confidential." 10. Passenger Manifest. 11. Rail car Movement Orders. Employees are to ensure that data on the company’s financial performance and documentation supporting transactions are kept confidential. S-28.26.1 Requirements for Disclosing Company Information A. Definition of Company Information Company information consists of all information concerning the company and its employees, customers and suppliers. B. Proper Disclosure ATD LINES information belongs solely to ATD LINES and is considered confidential. Personnel may disclose information externally only for legitimate business purposes and only if the supervisor approves. Personnel must use the normal authorization channels to disclose business. Without proper authorization, Personnel must not: 1. Access, use, retain, modify, or distribute company information. 2. Use company computing and telecommunications equipment. Unauthorized users of equipment or information may receive disciplinary or legal action. S-28.26.2 Monitoring Recording Information Without notifying the user, ATD LINES may at any time monitor, record access to information, digital recording, electronic monitoring and telecommunications equipment. Any information electronically, digital collected, stored, processed, or transmitted on ATD LINES Network and telecommunications equipment is the property of ATD LINES . ATD LINES may at any time monitor or record such information on ATD LINES equipment. S-28.27 Fire Employees must take every precaution to prevent loss and damage by fire. Employees must report promptly to the train dispatcher any fires seen on or near the right of way, unless the fires are being controlled. If there is danger of the fire spreading to a bridge or other structure, crew members must stop their train and help extinguish the fire. Cause of fire, if known, must be promptly reported. S-28.61 Encroachment Encroachment on railroad property, including building occupancy or the unauthorized dumping or storage of material, is prohibited. When observing outside parties performing work that may encroach on the right-of-way, report the location and the nature of work to the proper authority. S-28.61.1 Authorized on Railroad Property Persons must be authorized to be on railroad property, which includes: 1. Buildings. 2. Facilities. 3. Repair tracks. 4. Team tracks. 5.Other railroad property. Persons authorized to be on railroad property must wear protective equipment where required. S-28.62 Legal Summons A. Requirement to Report Summons to Proper Authority If an employee receives a summons, complaint, or any other legal papers that references the business of ATD LINESor any of its subsidiaries, that person must immediately contact all of the following: 1. The appropriate General Claims Department Manager for the area where the action originated. 2. Vice-President Law. B. Contents of Report When contacting the above individuals, the person who received the legal papers must: 1. Submit a written report with the following information: a. Names of people involved in the action. b. Court where the action is filed. c. Brief statement of the case, when possible. 2. Mail the legal papers immediately to the Law Department and include his or her name, title, and date and time of service. S-40.0 Glossary As used in this book, the following definitions apply. 1. Accident: An unplanned and sometimes injury-causing or damaging event which interrupts the normal progress of an activity. 2. Approved: a. Sanctioned, endorsed, accredited, certified, or accepted as satisfactory by a duly constituted and nationally recognized authority or agency. b. Acceptable according to ATD LINES policy. 3. Asbestos-Containing Material/ACM: Any material that contains asbestos. 4. Authorized: A person who is approved or assigned by ATD LINES to perform a specific type of duty or duties or to be at a specific location(s) at the job site. 5. Banding: Strap or straps used to secure material. 6. Capacity: The allowable load limit for any lifting or storing device as determined by the manufacturer, regulation, or both. 7. Certified: Has met the requirements of federal, state, or local laws, or of company-approved programs, and has been granted a certificate. 8. Compliance: The act of obeying the rule or the law. 9. Designated: A person who is approved or assigned by ATD LINES to perform a specific type of duty or duties or to be at aspecific location(s) at the job site (same meaning as "authorized"). 10. Dust collector: A bag house system for controlling emissions. 11. Enhanced-visibility work wear: Personal protective clothing that is either accented with or constructed entirely in reflective lime green, yellow, or orange material. 12. Environment: The water, air, land, and all plants, humans, and animals living therein, and the inter-relationships which exist among them. 13. Fusee: A red flare used for flagging purposes. 14. Hand truck: A small, rectangular barrow with a pair of handles at one end, a pair of small, heavy wheels at the other, and a projecting edge to slide under a load. 15. Hazardous material: A substance or material which is capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, and the environment. |
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