WASHINGTON STATE UBI 604-733-296      Adopted: April 8,2021 Copyright
City of Bainbridge Island Business License: WA-DOR ACTIVE
EIN: 87-195-1586      Granted: August 2, 2021
Tax Exempt 1024ez: Granted Spetember 18, 2021
Washingtom State Charities Registrtion #2006746

501(3)c tax exempt non-profit service organization

It shall be our Exclusive Purpose/Mission to maintain one or more open access amateur radio repeaters for Fort Ward Community Events and Governmental/Auxiliary Emergency Radio Assistance, purposes to providing optimum coverage for Local, Regional, National and International Amateur Radio Communications.

It shall also be our intent:

1). To further the exchange of information and cooperation between members and individual citizens,

2). To further the exchange of information and cooperation between law enforcement and emergency preparedness personnel,

3). To further the exchange of information and cooperation between lessening the burdens of government in providing much needed communications in times of emergency/disaster, as well as to be of service to the community at large,

4). To further the exchange of information and cooperation between advancing the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio Services.

5). To further the exchange of information and cooperation between associations, societies, foundations and organizations to advancing FWARC rights and privileges, duties, program activities and community leadership activity participation.

In furtherance of this purpose:

1). FWARC/ Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club shall establish procedures in conjunction with Local, Regional, National and International Amateur Radio Emergency Coordinator,

2). Provide training in radio communications to prepare to assist government and the public in times of for Local, Regional, National and International Amateur Radio Emergency or Disaster Communications.

3). We support all efforts to foster good will towards Local, Regional, National and International Amateur Radio Communities,

4). Expressly affirm our commitment under FCC/Federal Communication Commission mandate to be prepared in the event of Local, Regional, National and International Amateur Radio Emergency, to make ourselves, our equipment, and our expertise available to Emergency Management Agencies and those citizen in crises or distress needs,

5). In the event, FWARC is terminated for any reason, the assets property of the FWARC shall be donated to Local, Regional, National and International Radio Museums, and/or charitable radio foundations, to be used for the benefit of communities and citizen fostering interest in Radio Technology.

6). No part of the FWARC earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons,

7). Except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof.

8). No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, misleading, falsify or otherwise attempting to illegally influence Local, State or Federal government legislation ,

9). FWARC organization shall not participate in, or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office, including the publishing or distribution of statements.

9). FWARC organization shall be permitted participate in any legislation before Local, State, Federal Government Agencies, concerning furtherance advancement of National Amateur Radio Services or to protect the interests and governance of FWARC. .

10. Notwithstanding any other provision of this preamble mission,vision and governance, FWARC organization shall not carry on any unlawful or prohibited activities not permitted toward the interests and obligation of the organizational welfare:

(a) By FWARC organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future tax code,

(b) By FWARC organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) 2 Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

11). Notwithstanding any other provision of this preamble mission, upon dissolution of the corporation or organization. Assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.

12). FWARC will offer members

  • Field Day Activities,
  • Radio Contesting,
  • Radio DXing Contesting,
  • Radio Licensing Testing,
  • Radio Element Education,
  • Public Amateur Radio Seminars,
  • Public Amateur Radio Speaker Services,
  • Electronic & Radio Work Shops,
  • Variety of Amateur Radio Social Networks,
  • Radio Museum,
  • Island Naval Radio History Lectures,
  • Participation In Local, Regional, National, International Emergency Auxiliary Preparedness,
  • Amateur Radio News Services,
  • New, Used, Vintage Shortwave Radio Merchandise Classifieds,
  • Ham Fest Events,
  • Amateur Radio Library,
  • International Space Station Educational Communications,
  • Student Social Net,
  • Amateur Radio Fraternity,
  • FWARC Keyers Social Net,
  • S-Station Quarterly Magazine,
  • Radio Trade Show,
  • Emergency Life Saving Training,
  • Radio Ham Convention,
  • Member Recreational Outings,
  • CQ Travel Programs,
  • World Radio Day Celebration,
  • Pacific Northwest Hamfairs & Events
  • North American Monitoring Clubs,
  • Participation in Public Events,
  • Youth on the Air,
  • Antique Radio Group,
  • Civil Air Patrol,
  • Search and Rescue Unit,
  • Wildland Fire Unit,
  • Blood Donation Drives,
  • Veterans Day,
  • Emergency Medical Technicians,
  • ATV Slow & Fast Scan TV,
  • Law Enforcement Liaison,
  • Fire Department Raison,
  • Rural Domestic Preparedness,
  • Much More Quality Amateur and Shortwave Radio Programs for FWARC Members or Participation in Community Events toward furtherance of club interests.

    12a). FWARC 501(3)c Extended Organizations

  • Bainbidge Island Maritime Historical Society,
  • Bainbridge Island S Station Historical Society,
  • Bainbridge Island Railroad Historical Society,
  • Louis Charles Hoffmann Alloin, KI7AGD President, CEO, Founder,
  • Jean Leonie Calliet Alloin Hoffman, Pro Tem, Vice-President,
  • Louis Charles Hoffmann Alloin, Pro Tem, Secretary,
  • Jean Leonie Calliet Alloin Hoffman, Pro Tem, Treasurer,

    Sec. 1a: The term for all administration and management officers and staff shall be perpetual.

    Sec. 1b: Registered Agent of the FWARC shall be:

  • Louis Charles Hoffmann Alloin, KI7AGD Pro Tem, Legal Affairs

    Mailing Address:
    321 High School Road NE,
    STE D3 PMB 292,
    Bainbridge Island WA 98110

    Sec. 1c: Physical Record Keeping Agent of the FWARC shall be:

  • Louis Charles Hoffmann Alloin, KI7AGD Pro Tem, Legal Affairs,

    Physical Record Keeping Address:
    381 Wallace Way NE,
    STE West PMB 204,
    Bainbridge Island WA 98110

  • Vacant, Engineering & Technician Director,
  • Vacant, Search & Rescue Director,
  • Vacant, Museum and Library Director,
  • vacant, Education and Training Director,
  • Vacant, Recreation & Travel Director,
  • Vacant, Student & Youth Director,
  • Vacant, Emergency Response Command Director,
  • Louis Charles Hoffmann Alloin, KI7AGD, Governmental Affairs Director,
  • Vacant, Military Liaison Director,
  • Vacant, Material Control & Procurement Director,
  • vacant, Transport Mobilization Director,
  • Vacant, Regulatory Compliance & Legal Director,
  • Vacant, Speaker and Lecture Services Director,
  • Vacant, Event and Public Involvement Director,
  • Vacant, Accounting & Banking Director,
  • Louis Charles Hoffmann Alloin, KI7AGD, Media Marketing & Advertising Director,
  • Louis Charles Hoffmann Alloin, KI7AGD, Corporate Communications & Public Relations Director,
  • Vacant, Spectrum and Weather Director,
  • Vacant, Telegraph, Teletype, Receiver, Transmitter & Repeater Director,
  • Vacant, Facility Maintenance Director,
  • Vacant, Tower Technician & Maintenance Director,
  • Vacant, Electronics & Electromagnetic Technician Director,
  • Vacant, Occupational Safety and Health Welfare Director,
  • Vacant, Hazardous Material Safety Director,
  • Louis Charles Hoffmann Alloin, KI7AGD, Photography and Imaging Director,
  • Louis Charles Hoffmann Alloin, KI7AGD, Webmaster Director,
  • Vacant, Security Director,
  • Vacant, Volunteers and Human Services Director,
  • Vacant, Telecommunications & Internet Network Director,
  • Vacant, Emergency Medical Technicians,
  • Vacant, ATV Slow & Fast Scan TV,
  • Vacant, Rural Domestic Preparedness,
  • Vacant, Navy Amateur Radio Club.

    Sec. 2: The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected for a term of two years by majority vote of the members present at the last regular meeting of the election year.

    Sec. 3: The term for all elected officers shall begin on January 1 of elected year.

    Sec. 4: The Treasurer and at least one other officer upon election shall sign the signature cards of any checking and/or other banking accounts intended for the FWARC.

    Sec. 5: No officer shall hold more than one office at any given time.

    Sec. 6: Officers may be removed for good creditable cause by a three-fourths vote of the voting membership.

    Sec. 7: An officer vacancy occurring between elections must be filled by appointment of the president and be confirmed by the membership at the next regular meeting following the withdrawal or resignation or removal.

    Sec. 8: Upon completion of office, the officers shall immediately turn over everything in his/her possession belonging to the FWARC to his/her successor or club officers if a successor has not yet been established.


    Sec. 1: The duties of the President shall include the following:

    A. Preside at all meetings.

    B. Enforce these Constitution and By-Laws.

    C. Sign all official documents adopted by the FWARC.

    D. Perform all other duties not specified for other officers.

    Sec. 2: The duties of the Vice-President shall include the following:

    A. Preside at all meetings in absence of the President.

    B. Assist in enforcing these Constitution and By-Laws.

    C. Be a signer on official documents of FWARC in absence of the President.

    D. Perform all other duties assigned by the President.

    Sec. 3: The duties of the Secretary shall include the following:

    A. Assume all the duties of the Treasurer in his/her absence.

    B. Keep a record of the minutes of all meetings.

    C. At each meeting read the minutes of the previous meeting and any communications.

    D. Mail meeting notices to each member excluding regularly scheduled monthly meetings.

    Sec. 4: The duties of the Treasurer shall include the following:

    A. Be accountable for all monies disbursed and received.

    B. Pay all FWARC bills.

    C. Disburse no other monies without proper authorization. Authorization by officers majority vote.

    D. Present an itemized statement of disbursements and receipts at each meeting.

    E. Receive membership applications and dues.

    F. Maintain an updated roll of members.


    Sec. 1: The By-Laws shall provide for regular and special meetings.

    Sec. 2: A minimum of 10 % of the voting membership shall constitute a quorum but in no event shall a quorum constitute less than 4 voting members for the transaction of business at any meeting.

    Sec. 3: Proxy votes are allowed, but only on the condition that the proxy be given in advance of the meeting at which the proxy vote is to be cast.

    1). Proxy be in writing,

    a). Proxy Request produced and given to the then acting secretary of the meeting.

    b). Email and facsimile are deemed acceptable writings for proxy purposes.

    c). Radiograms are deemed acceptable writings for proxy purposes.

    d). Individual submitting the proxy must be a voting member in good standing at the time when the proxy is to be utilized.

  • Sec. 3a: Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club may be dissolved with the unanimous written consent of the shareholders; Upon Written notification of a voluntary dissolution.

  • Sec. 3b: Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club provision is obviously applicable primarily to closely held corporations. Dissolution can also be accomplished even if some shareholders dissent.

  • Sec. 3c: Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club Directors must first adopt a resolution by majority vote recommending the dissolution.

  • Sec. 3d: Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club Shareholders must then have an opportunity to vote on the resolution at a meeting after being notified of its purpose. A majority of the outstanding voting shares is necessary to carry the resolution.

    Sec. 3e: Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club has been inactive, nothing bars its use by large corporations.

    Sec. 3f: Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club dissolution has been approved, the corporation may dissolve by filing a certificate or articles of dissolution with:

    Washington Secretary of State
    Corporations and Charities Division
    801 Capitol Way South
    PO Box 40234
    Olympia, WA 98504-0234
    Phone: 360-725-0377

  • Sec. 3g: Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club dissolution certificate may be filed as the corporation begins to wind up its affairs or at any time thereafter.

  • Sec. 3h: Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club process of winding up is liquidation must notify all creditors of its intention to liquidate.

    a). Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club must collect and dispose of its assets, discharge all obligations, and distribute any remainder to its stockholders.


    Sec. 1: FWARC Constitution may be amended by a simple majority vote of the total voting membership.

    A. FWARC By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of those present at any regular meeting.

    Sec. 2: FWARC Motions to amend shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next regular meeting, provided all members have been notified by mail of the intent to amend the Constitution and/or By-Laws at meetings.

    FWARC/Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club By-Laws


    A. The President will appoint a member and maintain liaison with each of the following affiliations:

    1). Washington State Amateur Radio Repeater Association (WWARA).

    2). Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES).

    3). American Radio Relay League (ARRL).

    4). Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS).

    5). American Red Cross (ARC).

    6). Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA).

    7). US Navyy (USN).

    8). Amateur Radio Foundation (ARF).

    9). US Archives (USA).

    10). Federal Depository Library (RDL).

    11). North American Shortwave Association (NASWA)

    12). National Radio Club (NRC)

    13). Association of North American Radio Clubs (ANARC)

    14). Pacific Northwest, British Columbia DX Club (PNBCDC)

    15). Worldwide TV-FM DX Association (WTFDA)

    16). Canadian International DX Club (CIDX)

    18). United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

    19). North American Monitoring Clubs (NAMC)

    21). Amateur Radio Research and Development Corporation (ARRDC)

    22). Radio Emergency Associated Communications (REACT)

    23). Amateur Radio Satellite Organization (ARSO)

    24). American Shortwave Listener's Club (ASWLC)

    25). Pacific Northwest Hamfairs & Events (PNHE)

    26). Youth on the Air(YOTA)

    27). Antique Radio Club (ARC)

    28). Northwest Vintage Radio Society (NWVRS)

    29). Puget Sound Antique Radio Association (PSARA)

    30). Vintage Radio and Phonograph Society (VRPS)

    31. Hallicrafters Radio Club (HRC)

    32. The Repair Association (TRA)

    33. American Alliance of Museums (AAM)

    34. Antique Wireless Association (AWA)

    35. American Museum of Radio and Electricity (AMRE)

    36. Radio Museum (RM)

    37. B0ZO Amateur Radio Fraternity(BARF)

    38. Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA)

    40. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society(IEEE-APS)

    41. Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC)

    42. Arlington Historical Society (AHS)

    43. U.S. Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association (USNCVA)

    44. International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR)

    45. Marine Corps Cryptologic Association (MCCA)

    46. The Old Time Telegraphers' and Historical Association (OTTHA)

    47. Morse Telegraph Club (MTC)

    48. Telegraph-History (TH)

    49. Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

    50. Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)

    51. The Internet & Television Association (NCTA)

    52. Search and Rescue Association (SRA)

    53. National Association for Search and Rescue (NASR)

    54. Mountain Rescue Association (MRA)

    55. Civil Air Patrol (CAP)

    56. International Association of Wildland Fire (IAWF)

    57. Forest Fire Lookout Association (FFLA)

    58. US Forest Services (UFS)

    59. National Wildfire Suppression Association (NWSA)

    60. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

    61. National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC)

    62. Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT)

    63. Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (RDPC)

    64. Global Amateur Radio Emergency (GAREC)

    65. Radio Relay International (RRI)

    66. Navy Amateur Radio Club (NARC)

    67. Coast Guard Amateur Radio Club (USCGARC)

    68. Medical Amateur Radio Council (MARCO)

    69. National Association of County and City Health Officials (NAOCCHO)

    70). Amateur Radio Digital Communications

    71). Corporation For Public Broadcasting/CPB

    72). Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA)

    73). Sea Scounts of America (BSA)

    74). Boy & Girl Scouts Of America (BSA)

    75). Young Amateur Radio Club (YARC)

    76). Team Rubicon Disaster Response (TRDR)

    77). National Voluntary Organizations (NVO)

    78). United States Department of Homeland Security (USDHS)

    79). Americares

    80). National Civilian Community Corps NCCC)

    81). Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)

    82). International Medical Corps (IMC)

    83). Signal Corps Regimental Association (SCRA)

    84). Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA)

    85). Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO)

    86). National Association of Radio and Telecommunications Engineers (NARTE)

    87). National Communications System (NCS)

    88). National Weather Service (NWS)

    89). Salvation Army (SA)

    90). Society of Broadcast Engineers (SBE)

    91). United State Power Squadrons (USPS)

    92). World Central Kitchen (WCK)

    93). Community Organized Relief Effort (CORE)

    94). United Nations/World Food Program (UNWFP)

    95). Coperative Assistance Releif Everywhere (CARE)

    96). Bloodworks Northwest (BNW)

    97). Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB)

    98). America's Blood Centers (ABC)

    99). International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations (IFBDO)

    100). Blood Transfusion Association (BFA)

    101). U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)

    102). Alliance for Community Transfusion Services (ACTS)

    103). Blood Emergency Readiness Corps (BERC)

    104). Medical Blood (MEDIC)

    105). Vitalant Blood Donation (VBD)

    106). Healthcare Emergency Amateur Radio TeamHealthcare Emergency Amateur Radio Team (EVHC)

    107). Hospital Disaster Support Communications System (HDSCS)

    108). NIH Library: Amateur Radio Innovations for Disaster Medicine (NIHL)

    109). California Hospital Preparediness (CAHP)

    110). The Amrican Legion Amateur Radio Club (TALARC)

    111). HHS: National Disaster Medical System (NDMS)

    112). NDMS Teams of Responders (NDMS-TOR)

    113). Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMAT))

    114). DOI: Natural Disaster Response and Recovery (NDRAR)

    115). FEMA: Office of Response and Recovery (RAR)

    116). Event Emergency Management (EERT)

    117). FAA: National Aviation Events Program (NAEP)

    118). Amateur Radio Safety Foundation, Inc. (ARSFi) (NIHL)

    119). Navy Order of the United States (NOUS) (CAHP)

    120). United States Naval Institute (USNI)

    121). Network Engineers Repeater Association (NERA)

    122). NOT LIMITED TOO: Any other groups, foundations, societies, associations, federal agencies, corporation or organizations with which ongoing communication is necessary or desirable and in best interest and furtherance of the FWARC Mission, Vision.

    B. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:

    1.) Keep an official copy of the Constitution and By-Laws, and note all changes, additions and deletions thereto.

    2). Provide copies of the Constitution and By-Laws to voting members upon joining or upon a FOIA request.

    C. Membership:

    1). Full Membership is open to licensed and non licensed citizens having interest to participate in FWARC Local, Regional, National and International Programs:

    a. Full FCC Amateur Radio Licensed Membership Rights to hold office Voting Privileges,

    b. Membership is open to all interested individuals of all ages, groups, and any/all organizations.

    D: Membership Dues:

    FCC Licensed Voting Member    Non FCC Licensed-Non Voting Member

    1). Regular yearly assessment of $100.00 for Membership.

    2). Regular yearly assessment of $10.00 for Veterans or Active Military Membership.

    3). Regular yearly assessment of $25.00 for each additional family member per household.

    4). Regular yearly assessment of $25.00 for students under 18 years.

    5). Regular yearly assessment of $25.00 for adults 62-79 years of age.

    6). Regular yearly assessment of FREE for adults 80 years or older.

    7). Regular yearly assessment of $50.00 for college students.

    8). Regular yearly assessment of $200. Contributing.

    9). Regular yearly assessment of $300.00 for Sustaining Licensed Membership.

    10). Regular yearly assessment of $500.00 Benefactor Membership.

    11). Regular yearly assessment of $1,000.00 Commander Circle Membership.

    12). Regular yearly assessment of $10.00 for Veterans or Active Military Membership.

    13). Regular yearly assessment of $300.00 for Associate Business Membership.

    E. Meetings:

    1). Regular meetings shall be held as needed or requested. Except when otherwise notified, club meets are held by:

  • ZOOM Internet Video Conference Scheduling,
  • Meeting notification, upon member request, will be done by:

    1). Email,

    2). Club Radio Transmissions,

    3). USPS Mail.

    2). Special meetings may be called by the president as needed, or upon the written request of any five FWARC members.

    a. Special meetings shall be limited to specified agenda items.

    F. Technical Committees:

    1). Each repeater operated by this club shall have a technical committee, consisting of a Trustee and at least one other administrator and management director member.

    1a). Each technical committee by this club shall have a administration director and management director, including as many personnel or volunteers members, as necesary to allow full functioning technical committee operations.

    2). Trustees, administers and managers of any technical committees shall be the repeater licensee.

    3). FWARC licensed members shall approve by majority vote the Trustee and any additional members to serve on a specified technical committee.

    4). Each specified technical committee shall be responsible for the proper maintenance and operation of its repeater.

    5). Each specified technical committee shall evaluate any technical failure to its repeater within 14 days of occurrence.

    6). Each specified technical committee may make regular reports to the club at each meeting.

    7). FCC Licensed Members serving on a technical committee shall be issued any keys or combinations to permit access to the repeater, any building, office, storage the club are maintaining.

    8). Each specific technical committee shall make an annual report of the inventory and location of its equipment, libary materials, museum items, real estate properties, other assets, FWARC properties and keys.

    9). FCC Licensed Trustee is authorized to seek and appoint additional persons to assist his/her technical committee on a temporary basis.

    10). FCC Licensed Trustee or member of a technical committee may be removed by a three-fourths vote of those present at any meeting of the club called for that purpose, and with adequate notice given to all the voting members.

    11). Upon resignation or withdrawal, members of a technical committee shall immediately turn over everything in his/her possession belonging to the club to his/her successor.

    FORT WARD AMATEUR RADIO CLUB (FWARC) is a 501(C)(3) tax exempt non-profit service organization. Serving the needs of Amateur Radio Communities Local, Regional, National and International and furthering the interests of Amateur Radio.

    The Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club does not discriminate as to age, race, religion, sex, sexual origination, education, class, financial capacity or national origin.


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    © Copyright 1981-
    All Rights Reserved
    Public Service Division of ATDLINES

    FORT WARD AMATEUR RADIO CLUB (FWARC) is a 501(C)(3) tax exempt
    non-profit service organization. Serving the needs of Amateur Radio
    Communities Local, Regional, National and International and
    furthering the interests of Amateur Radio.

    The Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club does not discriminate
    as to age, race, religion, sex, sexual origination, education,
    class, financial capacity or national origin.

    Power By ETS]