![]() "Secrecy Behind The Grates" is a series of Zoom Lectures Presentations before the Naval Order of the Unites States. 47.5811° N, 122.5139° W ISLAND COMMUNITY INTRODUCTION NARRATIVE Bainbridge Island, located in Puget Sound, about 9 nautical miles from City of Seattle (downtown business and port commerce district), King County, Washington, prior served by historical "Mosquito Fleet" passenger ferries to Bainbridge Island Community Ports of Call. Bainbridge Island was Isolated from Mainland and Peninsular, connected by "Black Ball Freight and Passenger Ferry Services" and Kitsap Transit Ferry Services on Bainbridge Island during 1941: The Island was sleepy self sustaining agricultural community, where everyone socializes with each other and for many years hosting resorts for Seattle Elite Island Commercial Agricultural prior to WWII were Japanese (227 Citizens) and Asian American Community "Strawberry Farmers", having notoriety as the "Strawberry Capital of Washington State". After the War only 45 Japanese Citizens returned from Internment Camps to resume farming (Strawberry Farming Ending about 1965/6). US NAVY INTRODUCTION TO ISLAND NARRATIVE The purpose of this first of a series lectures, before the Naval ORDER OF UNITED STATES, is not to provide a holistic detail of naval background for selecting a former US Army Post, but rather to provide a realist factual layout of the naval radio station "Interception Radio Post". The reason and logic, is to clarify misleading and false identification of building, by people who have migrated to the Fort Ward without historical knowledge, and lack of capacity to research, which lead to specific property owners investing in profiteering distortion and destruction of Bainbridge Island American Heritage Naval History, since WWII Ending. By distortion Fort Ward Naval Radio Station "Interception Radio Post Building", allowed the City Of Bainbridge to accept false historical building documentations, which allowed naval historical building to be classified as "Non-Contributing Building" toward American Heritage of Naval Radio Station Historical Landmarks to be demolished, thus allowing further profiteering of false documentation of building to be mislabeled as "Historical Interception Radio Post Building". After extensive research, interviews with former station personnel and with specific factual research knowledge of having Robert Frank Deis Hoffman (Station at Fort Ward as Store Keeper 2nd Class), provide his son, Louis Charles Hoffmann Alloin, with personal historical evidence and detailed narratives of the naval station from 1953 to 1972 Death. During my research to prove and provide evidence of the location of "Interception Radio Post Building", US NAVY AIR PHOTOGRAPHY RECON INTRODUCTION NARRATIVE This is the most interest observation of Fort Ward Naval Radio Station, that Naval Historians failed to recognize, when locating the station secret interception Radio Listening Post Building. During my youth exploring the station (1953-1970), on weekends and given a verbal description of each building and how each building was utilized during the war years. I was inquisitively, concerning Building 13, 16 and 61. During station 1953 decommissioning and during station naval caretakers and security. I was allowed to explore interior of most building, except 13,16,61. However, was allowed to walk around these building, to experience radiomen, electronic/electrical engineers and going to work. Building 12, was explored many times, it was one of two Mess Hall/Barrack The Beach Mess Hall/Barracks had a stair case leading directly to Building 13, 16 and 61. Building 12 was the largest impressive Victorian style wooden structure, built by US Army during Coastal Defense, prior to WWI. Station Naval Personnel were forbid to discuss, communicate or talk about their duty during and after WWII/Korean War. Thereby, allowing propaganda and misleading false information to be spread throughout Bainbridge Island Community. Once the former radio station was sold to public, property owner began making false claim, that their building was the "Listen Intercept Building", primarily for profiteering and social boasting. Lets examine the facts. During my research, I need to clearly demonstrate that Building 13, 16 and 61 were the historical interception listening post complex. After a search of Radio Station areal photographs, enlarge the imaging, I finally had proof, to defend against false and misleading claims civilian property owners were declaring, as naval radio station facts. I discovered the Station Personnel daily "Foot Traffic" Actives! All foot traffic was leading, including beach stair case, to Buildings 13,16 and 61 Complex. In addition, to my exploring the Radio Station Boundaries and most building, I discovered that the station axillary emergency power house, was located between buildings 13/61 and 16 Complex. This certified the group of building was a priority complex, requiring continuous electrical power. It is important to understand, based on 146 radio receivers, that would require 438 radiomen of which 146 on duty 24/7, for duration of WWII and Korean War. Including having support personnel: Fort Ward Radio Station, was strategic importance,as, "THE UNITED STATE NAVAL PACIFIC FLEET RADIO COMMAND CENTER "S" ". The amount of naval and marine personnel required and flowing thru Fort Ward was between 10,000 to 20,000, this including every available "Bainbridge Island Housing" was for Naval Personnel. During the "Cold War" the Army installed Anti-Aircaft Artillery/AAA Battery "B" in 1950-1958 and in 1960-1970 Nukes. To continue our research and documenting the historical WWII Fort Ward Naval Radio Station Activities, for generation of Americans to study and experience Fort Ward Today. Requires donation, any and all funds are used to acquire archived documents, which are expensive. Thank You, for your donation |
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![]() FORT WARD AMATEUR RADIO CLUB (FWARC) is a 501(C)(3) tax exempt non-profit service organization. Serving the needs of Amateur RadioCommunities Local, Regional, National and International and furthering the interests of Amateur Radio. The Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club does not discriminate as to age, race, religion, sex, sexual origination, education, class, financial capacity or national origin. |